μC/OS-II—Event flag group management 1 (os_flag.c)

Directory Event flag group creation event flag group delete Event flag group get/wait When a task needs to be synchronized with multiple events, an event flag group is used. An event flag is a binary signal, and an event flag group is a combination of several binary signals. Synchronization tasks using event flag groups are […]

μC/OS-II—Event flag group management 2 (os_flag.c)

Directory Event flag group flag is set or cleared to 0 event flag group get/no wait Event flag group status query Set event flag group naming Get event flag group naming The event flag group flag is set to 1 or cleared to 0 Set event flag bit: You can set or clear the specified […]

[Android] Screen lag, optimized list fluency, pull down to refresh, pull up to load more components, RefreshLayout modification

I have also written about similar components before: Address: Pull down to refresh & pull up to load more components SmartRefreshLayout I originally planned to replace it with this one, but after careful research I found it was not suitable. The functions are very good, but they cannot be embedded in the current engineering system. […]

[Geek Challenge 2019]BuyFlag 1 (two solutions)

Question environment: FLAG NEED YOUR 100000000 MONEY Flag needs your 100,000,000 yuan F12 Take a look at the source code: if (isset($_POST[‘password’])) {<!– –> $password = $_POST[‘password’]; if (is_numeric($password)) {<!– –> echo “password can’t be number” } elseif ($password == 404) {<!– –> echo “Password Right! } } PHP code audit: Two parameters password and […]

BindingFlags in C#: Core enumeration types for reflection

The C# programming language provides a very powerful feature: reflection, which allows us to dynamically obtain and operate type information at runtime. Reflection can be used to implement many advanced functions, such as dynamically loading assemblies, creating object instances, calling methods, accessing fields and properties, etc. To use reflection, we need to use some classes […]

Algorithm Clearance Village Level 6 – Bronze Challenge Tree

Hello everyone, my name is Su Lin. Today I’m going to talk about trees. Outline tree concept Binary tree full binary tree complete binary tree tree nature Definition and storage of trees tree traversal Construct a binary tree from sequences Front and middle sequence traversal Middle and back sequence traversal The concept of tree Tree […]

Algorithmic Clearance Village – Classic Sliding Window Problem

Table of Contents Classic sliding window problem 1. The longest substring topic 1.1 The longest substring without repeated characters 1.2 The longest substring containing at most two different characters 1.3 The longest substring containing at most K different characters 2 subarray with minimum length 3 The container that holds the most water 4. Find substring […]

“The Third Level of Algorithm Clearance Village – The Magical Use of Double Pointers”

Directory: Understand how the double pointer idea works (fast and slow type and collision type) Understand how double pointers solve the problem of deleting elements Understand how dual pointers solve the odd-even movement problem Understand how double pointers solve array rotation problems Understand how pointers solve interval-related problems Understand how double pointers solve string substitution […]