Summary of all aspects of getting started with SpringCloud Alibaba components (Part 1): registration center-nacos, load balancing-ribbon, remote calling-feign

Article directory Nacos Ribbon Feign FeignExpansion Nacos Concept: Nacos is a new open source project launched by Alibaba. It is a dynamic service discovery, configuration management and service management platform that makes it easier to build cloud native applications. Nacos is committed to helping users discover, configure and manage microservices. It provides a simple and […]

nginx four-layer tcp load balancing and active and standby, four-layer udp load balancing and active and standby, 7-layer http load balancing and active and standby configuration (wndows system active and standby, load balancing)

Preparation Prepare two centos7 computers, virtual machines can also be used Use vmware17 to build centos7 mini version server on windows-CSDN Blog Set up a static IP address (because the network load balancing manager on the Windows server does not support dhcp servers) Modify the network card IP address in ky10, centos7 and other linux […]

Nginx implements load balancing

Table of Contents 1: Introduction to load balancing 2. Functions of load balancing 1. Improve server performance 2. Improve system availability 3. Improve system scalability 4. Achieve traffic balance 3. Example configuration, how to use nginx to achieve load balancing 4. Load balancing policy configuration 1. Poll-based load balancing (default) 2. Weight-based load balancing 3. […]

Haproxy implements seven-layer load balancing

Table of Contents Haproxy overview haproxy algorithm: Haproxy implements seven-layer load ①Deploy nginx-server test page ②(active/standby) deploy load balancer ③Deploy keepalived for high availability ④Add health check on haproxy ⑤Test Haproxy Overview haproxy—It is mainly used for layer 7 load balancing, but it can also be used for layer 4 load balancing. Apache can also […]

Instances of all methods in the list type (except sort) and explanations (called through help (list))

1. Overview After using help (list) and running it, you can see the following methods: append, clear, copy, count, extend, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, a total of ten methods. Next, I will give examples one by one. explain. 2. Examples and explanations 1.append: Append object to the end of the list. (Append object to […]

Nanny level implements three-piece chess through C language

Article directory Game introduction and analysis Game implementation 1. Game interface Enter and exit the game interface Mode selection interface 2.Initialization 3. Print the chessboard 4. Game process Two player mode computer mode 5. Determine win, loss or draw All code display Summarize Game introduction and analysis Introduction: This game is played on a 3*3 […]

Installation and configuration explanation of Log4j and Log4j2

What is a log? A log is a file that records detailed information about events or behaviors that occur when a system or application is running. It usually includes information such as timestamp, event type, event description, etc., so that troubleshooting, performance optimization, security auditing, etc. can be performed when needed. Logs can help developers […]

VSCode runs c++ program (operation + detailed explanation + json file configuration detailed explanation)

Preface: Because the quality of online tutorials varies, I felt very confused when I first came into contact with this thing. I hereby write this blog to help my friends solve the problem. Table of Contents 1. Operation details 1Download VSCode code editor 2Install C/C++ extension 3Install the MinGW-w64 compiler 4Add path 5 Test whether […]

SparkSQL’s Analyzed LogicalPlan generation process

After AstBuilder processing, the Unresolved LogicalPlan was obtained. There are two objects that have not been resolved in the logical operator tree: UnresolvedRelation and UnresolvedAttribute. The main role of the Analyzer is to parse these two nodes or expressions into typed objects. In this process, Catalog related information is needed. Because it inherits from the […]