JAVA New Practice 4: Use JAVA to write a map tile download program and merge the tiles into large images in different levels

This article is full of work and uses code directly to show you how to write an autonomous and controllable map tile download program in Java, and merge the tiles into a large image hierarchically so that you can deploy your own tile map in geoserver. The environment covered in this article is as follows: […]

Based on the full series of yolov5 [n/s/m/l/x] models with different parameter levels, a system for detecting and segmenting cement building wall defects and diseases in tunnel inspection scenarios was developed and constructed.

In the previous article, we developed and constructed a cave building disease defect detection and segmentation system in the culvert scenario based on the most lightweight n-series model of YOLOv5. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself: “Development and construction of a cave wall defect detection and segmentation system in culvert scenarios […]

Convert the Boolean judgment expression into a conditional Javabean (the conditional structure can theoretically iterate through countless levels), and use it to judge the Boolean result finally generated by the form submission parameters.

Without further ado, let’s get into the code. The code format is wrong, and for some reason, it can only be copied bit by bit. public List<ActBPMNSequenceFlowConditionExpression> parseConditionExpressionToList(String conditionExpressionStr, Boolean ifJustExtra) { //1. Initialize variables //1.1 The aggregated conditional expression of the current flow direction to be finally returned List<ActBPMNSequenceFlowConditionExpression> conditionExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); //1.2 […]

MySQL transactions and isolation levels: analyzing dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads

Reprint: — Create database test create database if not exists test; use test; — Delete table drop table if exists tb_account; create table tb_account( id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT comment ‘ID’, name varchar(10) comment ‘name’, money double(10,2) comment ‘balance’ ) comment ‘account table’; insert into tb_account(name, money) VALUES (‘李四’,2000), (‘王五’,2000); –Normal transfer situation — […]

[ElasticSearch] In-depth exploration of DSL query syntax to achieve different levels of retrieval of documents, as well as sorting, paging and highlighting of search results

Article directory Preface 1. Classification of Elasticsearch DSL Query 2. Full text search query 2.1 `match` query 2.2 `multi_match` query 3. Precise query 3.1 term query 3.2 range query 4. Geographical coordinate query 4.1 geo_bounding_box query 4.2 geo_distance query 5. Compound query 5.1 function score query 5.2 boolean query 6. Processing of search results 6.1 […]

There are 4 technical levels of software testing in 2023. Which level are you at?

Recently, we discussed the grading of software testing engineering, and everyone contributed their own ideas. For everyone, the grading of software testers actually represents our advanced direction and career development. Generally speaking, there are three directions for the future development of test engineers: Technical elite Industry experts Management guru According to their own interests and […]

Defensive programming under DDD architecture: 5 major levels jointly ensure the validity of business data

1. Rule verification is the basis for accuracy Rule verification is an important means of ensuring business stability. Through rule verification, the correctness and compliance of the system or business logic can be verified and ensured, and potential errors and problems can be avoided. The omission of rules is often accompanied by the emergence of […]

Estimating heart rate and SpO2 levels using PPG (photoplethysmography) (Matlab code implementation)

Welcome to this blog Advantages of bloggers:Blog content should be as thoughtful and logical as possible for the convenience of readers. Motto:He who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety. The directory of this article is as follows: Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation results 3 References 4 Matlab code implementation […]

Java packages and downloads zip files for folders, including directory levels and files

Article directory Preface Controller IService ServiceImpl FileUtil Foreword There is a function to upload files on the page. You can create a new directory and upload files under the directory, as shown in the figure: Tips: Select the directory and click Package Download to export the folders and files in the directory into zips according […]