Spring Cloud Alibaba OpenFeign

OpenFeig is a declarative REST client. OpenFeig generates a dynamic implementation of the interface (pseudo client) by using JAX-RS or SpringMVC annotations modification methods. OpenFeig is used by consumers to call providers, so OpenFeig only involves consumers. OpenFeign has a load balancing function, which can consume and access specified microservices in a load balancing manner. […]

libusb gets the Windows device instance path DevicePath

The interface provided by the libusb.h header file in the current version of libusb (1.0.26) seems to have no way to obtain the device instance path related to the Windows platform. It looks like: \?\usb#vid_04ca & amp;pid_7070#5 & amp;20d34a76 & amp;0 & amp;6#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} Only interfaces such as libusb_get_port_numbers are provided to obtain the topology. We […]

Vue’s advanced table component library [vxe-table]

Article directory Preface vxe-table Official website Implement table header drag and drop tree table Full keyboard operation Afterword Foreword hello world welcome to the new world of front-end Current article series column: Front-end series of articles ?Bloggers still have a lot of knowledge and technology to master in the front-end field, and are constantly working […]

LinuxLinux dynamic library and static library

? ?Personal homepage: @Sherry’s growth path Learning community: Sherry’s path to growth (personal community) Column link: Linux The road is long and vast, and there are expectations for everything Previous blog: [Linux] Linux process control Article directory Basic principles of dynamic and static libraries Understand dynamic and static libraries Pack use Packaging and use of […]

Call opencv library programming to display pictures and student ID names under Ubuntu

Article directory 1. Principle of Chinese character dot matrix font library (1), Chinese character encoding 1. Location code 2. Internal code (2) Dot matrix font structure 1. Bitmap font storage 2. 16*16 dot matrix font library 3. 14*14 and 12*12 dot matrix fonts (3). Acquisition of Chinese character lattice 1. Use location code to obtain […]

Stm32_Standard library_18_Serial port & Bluetooth module_Communication between mobile phone and Bluetooth module_Control LED light on and off

Control the LED lights on and off by inputting LED_ON and LED_OFF respectively wiring: The positive electrode of the LED is connected to positive electricity, and the negative electrode is connected to GPIOA_Pin1 Bluetooth module TXD is connected to GPIOA_Pin3, VCC is connected to positive power, and GND is connected to negative power. Note: USART2 […]

Golang standard library: bytes package – byte slice byte array convenient operation

2.2 bytes – byte slice convenient operation This package defines some convenience operations for manipulating byte slices. Because strings can be represented as []byte, the functions and methods defined by the bytes package are very similar to the strings package, so the explanation will be similar to the strings package and can even be referred […]

STM32F407: Transplantation of CMSIS-DSP library (based on library files)

Table of Contents 1. Source code download 2. Introduction to DSP library source code 3. Library-based transplantation (use of DSP library) 3.1 Experiment 1 3.2 Experiment 2 4. Compile using the V6 version of the compiler Previous article: STM32F407-Discovery’s hardware FPU-CSDN blog 1. Source code download Github address: GitHub – ARM-software/CMSIS_5: CMSIS Version 5 Development […]