Read from Spark.sql to Lightgbm model storage

Summary This article will introduce the steps to read from Spark.sql to Lightgbm model storage Overall architecture process Import essential toolkit, data reading, data preprocessing, model building, model evaluation, field filtering, model storage Technical details 1. Import necessary tool packages from pyspark.conf import SparkConf #SparkConf contains various parameters for spark cluster configuration from pyspark.sql import […]

LightGBM-deuce card

Article directory 1. Data set processing 2. Define the model training and drawing 3. Probability of good people/probability of bad people 4. Generate reports 5. Performance of behavioral scorecard model Summarize 1. Data set processing import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score,roc_curve,auc from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression […]

Step 82 Time series modeling practice: LightGBM regression modeling

64-bit system demonstration based on WIN10 1. Write in front In this issue, we introduce the return of LightGBM. Again, using this data here: Demonstration of public data from a 2015 article in “PLoS One” entitled “Comparison of Two Hybrid Models for Forecasting the Incidence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Jiangsu Province, China”. […]

Python implements Hunter Prey Optimization Algorithm (HPO) to optimize LightGBM regression model (LGBMRegressor algorithm) project practice

Note: This is a practical machine learning project (comes with data + code + document + video explanation). If you need data + code + document + video explanation, you can go directly to the end of the article. Obtain. 1. Project background Hunter-prey optimizer (HPO) is a latest optimization search algorithm proposed by Naruei […]

Python implements Hunter Prey Optimization Algorithm (HPO) to optimize LightGBM classification model (LGBMClassifier algorithm) project practice

Note: This is a practical machine learning project (comes with data + code + document + video explanation). If you need data + code + document + video explanation, you can go directly to the end of the article. Obtain. 1. Project background Hunter-prey optimizer (HPO) is a latest optimization search algorithm proposed by Naruei […]

SVR, adaboost, MLP, GBDT, XGBOOST, LIGHTGBM and random forest model parameter optimization + model training + shap explanation

SVR, MLP, adaboost, GBDT, XGBOOST, LIGHTGBM, random forest model parameter optimization + model training + shap explanation Import the required libraries and data processing Model hyperparameter optimization Split the training set and test set and perform shap interpretation Import the required libraries and data processing import numpy as np # Import the NumPy library for […]

Python implements the SSA intelligent sparrow search algorithm to optimize the LightGBM classification model (LGBMClassifier algorithm) project practice

Note: This is a practical machine learning project (comes with data + code + document + video explanation). If you need data + code + document + video explanation, you can go directly to the end of the article. Obtain. 1. Project background The Sparrow Search Algorithm (SSA) is a new type of swarm intelligence […]

Python implements the SSA intelligent sparrow search algorithm to optimize the LightGBM regression model (LGBMRegressor algorithm) project practice

Note: This is a practical machine learning project (comes with data + code + document + video explanation). If you need data + code + document + video explanation, you can go directly to the end of the article. Obtain. 1. Project background The Sparrow Search Algorithm (SSA) is a new type of swarm intelligence […]

Python implements the competitive adaptive reweighted sampling method (CARS) to select feature variables and build a LightGBM regression model (LGBMRegressor algorithm) project practice

Note: This is a practical machine learning project (comes with data + code + document + video explanation). If you need data + code + document + video explanation, you can go directly to the end of the article. Obtain. 1. Project background Competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) is a feature variable selection method that […]

Lightgbm Light Gradient Boosting Machine

Directory foreword 1. What is Lightgbm? 2. Advantages and disadvantages of Lightgbm 1. Advantages: 2. Disadvantages: 3. Application scenarios of Lightgbm 4. Precautions for building the Lightgbm model 5. Implementation class library of Lightgbm model 6. Evaluation index of Lightgbm model 1. Evaluation indicators for regression tasks: 2. Evaluation indicators for binary classification tasks: 3. […]