Event types supported by Flowable6.8.0 process listening event engine

Event types supported by Flowable process event engine Instructions on process definition listeners Event listeners can only be declared on the process element as a child element of extensionElements. (Event) listeners cannot be defined on individual nodes (activities). Expressions in delegateExpression, unlike other expressions (such as those in gateways), do not have access to the […]

3. Watch listeners, filters and computed properties in vue

watch, computed properties and filters 1. watch (listener) ==1, 1 shallow monitoring== 1.2 Deep monitoring 1.3 Summary 2. filter (filter) 2.1 Local filter 2.2 Global filter ==3. computed(computed attribute)== 3.1 Basic use of computed 3.2 Summary 3. 3 Shopping cart case 1. watch(listener) 1, 1 shallow monitoring Function: Monitor changes in data data grammar: new […]

VC++ under Windows uses boost::asio + WSAEventSelect + WSACreateEvent to implement async-listen-accept socket-fd

What requirements would lead to giving up using boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor directly? to listen and accept socket instances from clients? Hypothetical scenario: We need to make the sockets that already know the IPEndPoint address endpoint work under the same context, because this group of sockets will copy data across each other. If we have multiple contexts, it […]

Using event listening to implement message subscription and publishing in springboot

The previous article introduced the use of eventbus in guava to implement the publish and subscribe function. It can already achieve code decoupling very well for ordinary projects. In fact, similar functions are also provided in spring. There is no need to introduce third-party dependencies in spring projects. In order to implement the publish and […]

JavaWeb – Filters and Listeners

Table of Contents 1. Overview of filters 1.1. What is a filter? 1.2. Function of filter 1.3. Filter life cycle 1.4. Filter interception path configuration 1.5. Examples 1.5.1. Character encoding 1.5.2. Login code 2. Overview of listeners 2.1. What is a listener? 2.2. Classification of listeners 2.3. Listener life cycle 2.4. Examples 1. Filter Overview […]

Filter filter and Listener listener

2023.10.26 Filter filter Filter, as the name suggests, filters things. The filter in the Web is to filter the request. By using the filter, we can intercept the request and then handle it accordingly to achieve many special functions. Such as login control, permission management, filtering sensitive words, etc. Filter can add code before the […]

Web APIs – event listening and mouse events

1. Event monitoring What is an event? Events are actions or things that happen within the system while programming For example, a user clicks a button on a web page What is event listening? It is to let the program detect whether an event occurs. Once an event is triggered, it immediately calls a function […]

Vdue’s template syntax & instructions & filters & calculated attributes & listening attributes

Template syntax Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax that allows developers to declaratively bind the DOM to the data of the underlying Vue instance. All Vue.js templates are legal HTML and can be parsed by browsers and HTML parsers that follow the specification. vue compiles the template into virtual dom, Combined with the responsive system, […]