3. Watch listeners, filters and computed properties in vue

watch, computed properties and filters 1. watch (listener) ==1, 1 shallow monitoring== 1.2 Deep monitoring 1.3 Summary 2. filter (filter) 2.1 Local filter 2.2 Global filter ==3. computed(computed attribute)== 3.1 Basic use of computed 3.2 Summary 3. 3 Shopping cart case 1. watch(listener) 1, 1 shallow monitoring Function: Monitor changes in data data grammar: new […]

JavaWeb – Filters and Listeners

Table of Contents 1. Overview of filters 1.1. What is a filter? 1.2. Function of filter 1.3. Filter life cycle 1.4. Filter interception path configuration 1.5. Examples 1.5.1. Character encoding 1.5.2. Login code 2. Overview of listeners 2.1. What is a listener? 2.2. Classification of listeners 2.3. Listener life cycle 2.4. Examples 1. Filter Overview […]

Filter filter and Listener listener

2023.10.26 Filter filter Filter, as the name suggests, filters things. The filter in the Web is to filter the request. By using the filter, we can intercept the request and then handle it accordingly to achieve many special functions. Such as login control, permission management, filtering sensitive words, etc. Filter can add code before the […]

vue2 skill tree (4) – interpolation, dynamic parameters, instruction modifiers, calculated properties, listeners

Directory Detailed explanation of Vue 2 interpolation text interpolation Raw HTML expression filter Computed properties data binding Dynamic parameters, modifiers and abbreviations for Vue 2 directives dynamic parameters modifier `v-on` modifier `v-bind` modifier `v-model` modifier abbreviation Detailed explanation of Vue 2 computed properties and listeners Computed Properties Watchers Like, your approval is the motivation for […]

207. SpringBoot integrates RabbitMQ to implement message sending and receiving (listener)

Directory Send message Two ways to create a queue code demo Requirement 1: Send a message 1. ContentUtil first defines constants 2. One of two ways for RabbitMQConfig to create a queue: Configuration: question: 3. MessageService writes logic PublishController controller application.properties configuration properties Test: message sending Receive messages Code demo: Test: Message reception Customized listener […]

$attrs and $listeners (vue2&&vue3)

Table of Contents Transparent transmission Attributes Attributes inheritance? Merging class and style v-on listener inheritance Deep component inheritance Disable Attributes inheritance Attributes inheritance for multi-root nodes vue2 $attrs and $listeners $attrs Concept Description $attrs case $listeners Concept Description $listeners case vue3 $attrs and $listeners Usage of attrs in template When there is only 1 root […]

The use of ApplicationListener in Spring

Background The ApplicationContext event mechanism is the implementation of the Observer design pattern. ApplicationContext event processing can be implemented through the ApplicationEvent class and ApplicationListener interface; If there is an ApplicationListener bean in the container, when the ApplicationContext calls the publishEvent method, the corresponding bean will be triggered. spring built-in events Built-in events Description ContextRefreshedEvent […]