[Data processing] python Matplotlib partially enlarges the figure; marks the local enlarged subfigure of interest

Foreword In data visualization, it is often necessary to partially enlarge the data in a certain interval to obtain a higher contrast visualization effect. The following uses the Matplotlib library of the Python language to implement a simple partial magnification effect. Dependent libraries matplotlib: plotting library numpy: an extended library that supports a large number […]

Use cdc technology to synchronize data in real time (canal) – monitor local data and synchronize data to the cloud database through MQ

Use cdc technology to synchronize data in real time (canal) – monitor local data and synchronize data to the cloud database through MQ 1. Download the canal package and modify the configuration file conf -> instance.properties under example canal.instance.master.address= Change the connection database path canal.instance.dbUsername=root user account to connect to the database canal.instance.dbPassword=123456 User password […]

Local construction of Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch + kibana + Logstash + FileBeat + APM) 7.17.14 version

Local construction of Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch + kibana + Logstash + FileBeat + APM) 7.17.14 version 1. Foreword: 1. This article is a non-cluster environment configuration description for the installation of Elastic Stack version 7.17.14. If you are using the 8.x version of the Elastic Stack product, this article does not apply. 2. The example […]

Llama2 quantifies Windows & Linux local deployment through llama.cpp model

Llama2 quantifies Windows & amp;Linux local deployment through llama.cpp model What is LLaMA 1 and 2 LLaMA, it is a set of basic language models with parameters ranging from 7B to 65B. models trained on trillions of tokens and show that state-of-the-art models can be trained exclusively using publicly available datasets without resorting to proprietary […]

lang-segment-anything local deployment

1. Introduction Code address: https://github.com/luca-medeiros/lang-segment-anything https://github.com/IDEA-Research/GroundingDINO lang-segment-anything is an algorithm for segmenting objects in images based on language text prompts. It combines the two major algorithms of GroundingDINO and segment-anything. It has a good application scenario in semi-automatic annotation. It can classify objects without training. Segmentation is performed, that is, matching of text to image […]

How to run a stable diffusion model locally

Recommended automatic texture tools developed based on stable diffusion AI model: DreamTexture.js automatic texturing development kit – NSDT Following DALL-E 2 and Imagen, the new deep learning model Stable Diffusion marks a huge leap forward from text to image. Stable Diffusion, released earlier this month, promises to democratize text-conditioned image generation by running efficiently enough […]

Front-end vue3 implements local and online file preview (including pdf/txt/mp3/mp4/docx/xlsx/pptx)

1. Only online preview is required, and the file address is accessible from the public network (1) Free preview of Microsoft office (recommended) Supports free preview of multiple office file formats such as doc/docx/xls/xlsx/ppt/pptx //Sample code //? Splice the address that needs to be previewed after https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=, as follows:\ let url=”http://xxx.com/files/demo.doc” window.open(“?https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=” + encodeURIComponent(?url)) (2) […]

Reprint: TransXNet: A new CNN-Transformer visual backbone that aggregates global and local information, with powerful performance!

Article address: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.19380</code><code>Project address: https://github.com/LMMMEng/TransXNet 00 | Introduction Current situation: Recent research integrates convolutions into transformers to introduce inductive bias and improve generalization performance. (1) The static characteristics of traditional convolution make it unable to dynamically adapt to input changes, resulting in a representation difference between convolution and self-attention, because self-attention dynamically calculates the attention […]