SparkSQL’s Analyzed LogicalPlan generation process

After AstBuilder processing, the Unresolved LogicalPlan was obtained. There are two objects that have not been resolved in the logical operator tree: UnresolvedRelation and UnresolvedAttribute. The main role of the Analyzer is to parse these two nodes or expressions into typed objects. In this process, Catalog related information is needed. Because it inherits from the […]

How to change the corresponding business logic in springboot without changing other people’s code

I think many people are like me and have the same confusion as the title. This problem has puzzled me for a long time, and now I have finally solved it. Next, let me take you through my thinking and solution process. Step one: Let’s build a simple springboot web project. pom.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> […]

Weblogic t3 protocol analysis

Vulnerability introduction There are roughly two types of weblogic deserialization vulnerabilities, one is based on the t3 protocol and the other is based on xml Vulnerabilities based on the T3 protocol include: CVE-2015-4582, CVE-2016-0638, CVE-2016-3510, CVE-2018-2628, CVE-2020-2555, CVE-2020-2883 Among them, CVE-2020-2883 is a bypass of the CVE-2020-2555 patch, but it is actually similar. Debugging environment […]

KafkaConsumer consumption logic

Version: kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar Previously, I wanted to write a plug-in to modify the logic of the kafkaConsumer consumer and filter some messages based on headers. Therefore, we need to understand how kafkaConsumer pulls out consumption messages, and confirm whether filtering out messages before consumption will have any impact. The following is the relevant source code, explained […]

[PyQt] (self-made class) handles mouse click logic

I wrote a class that I think is pretty good to simplify the mouse information in mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent and mouseReleaseEvent. The functions include the following: Current mouse status, including left/middle/right mouse button and click/double-click/lift Mouse anti-shake (only when the mouse has moved beyond a certain level), the sensitivity can be set; Mouse long press (triggered […]

Weblogic CVE 2023-21839 vulnerability reappears

WebLogic has a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2023-21839/CNVD-2023-04389). Due to a flaw in the Weblogic IIOP/T3 protocol, when the IIOP/T3 protocol is turned on, an unauthenticated attacker is allowed to pass the IIOP/T3 protocol. Network access attacks pose security risks to WebLogic Server. If the vulnerability is successfully exploited, WebLogic Server may be taken over […]

SQL logic and optimization (must know for interviews)

What we often need to operate in development is SQL statements. SQL statements greatly determine this function. In complex businesses, there are nothing more than complex SQL statements. Like MQ and Redis, they are actually auxiliary SQL functions. So how to parse and optimize SQL? , today I will use a simple example to help […]