clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (2)–google mirror

tick_plot__compile.ipynb clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (1) Analysis In and out, chain, out df in and out=df[ df[‘tickKind’].isin( [FuncEnter,FuncReturn] ) ] #In the code, only when the function enters, the chain length is calculated and written to the disk dfin=df[ df[‘tickKind’].isin( [FuncEnter] ) ] df chain=df in […]

clang plug-in instrumentation of llvm source code and analysis of function call logs (1)–google mirror

tick_plot__compile.ipynb Duration boundary_time chain anomaly: long and short function call chain list 0. Use matplotlib to find font files larger than 1MB in the system Chinese fonts are usually very large, so those filtered out usually have Chinese fonts. In the results, the name AR PL UMing CN’ is indeed a Chinese font. from matplotlib.font_manager […]

LLVM- cc1 & llc & lld

cc1 cc1 is a core part of the LLVM toolchain, specifically within the Clang compiler framework. Although developers may not interact directly with it in their daily programming work, understanding how it works is helpful for a deep understanding of the entire compilation process. Definition: cc1 is the actual compiler frontend for Clang. When we […]

github, git, google: clang-front-end plug-in-add curly braces to various “blocks” without curly braces-based on llvm15–clang-plugin-add-brace—–google mirror

Processed statements case Terminology conventions or memos The starting and ending range of case: from the colon to the beginning of the next ‘case’, the abbreviation is: case inside, case content Ast: Abstract syntax tree: abstract syntax tree Case without curly braces If any of the following conditions are true in a case, the case […]

Compile rt-thread using LLVM

LLVM17 has been released, and arm officials have also released the corresponding compiled version 17.01. See the link I have always wanted to use LLVM to replace GCC. , so let’s try it. Note that 17.01 does not come with compiled cfg files for common architectures. I copied them from the 16.0 compressed package […]

Reprint LV and VG expansion in Linux LVM mode

1. Introduction to LVM LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a logical volume manager that allows users to combine multiple hard disk partitions or the entire hard disk into one or more logical volumes. LVM can dynamically change the size of logical volumes while running without requiring a system shutdown or reboot. It can also combine […]

GraalVM compiles Swing programs

When the Swing program uses exe4j to generate executable files, the startup of large files is slow and cannot meet product-level requirements. The executable file packaged through GraalVM’s native-image tool is about 45M, and the startup time is basically controlled to the millisecond level. The Swing runtime uses some JNI and reflection classes. The static […]

Linux disk management (partitioning, SWAP, LVM, RAID, hot backup)

Partition Concept: Data Organization and Management: Disk partitioning allows hard disk space to be divided into logical units, which helps organize and manage data more efficiently. Different types of data can be stored in different partitions, making the data easier to maintain and back up. Improving performance: Partitions can be used to separate operating system […]