Pandas 2.0 main advantages and code implementation

Foreword After the official release of pandas 2.0.0, it caused an uproar in the data science community. Due to its wide functionality and versatility, data manipulation is almost impossible to do without importpandas as pd, right? Now, hear me out: with all the big language model buzz going on over the past few months, I […]

JS reverse engineering of mainstream websites (with source code attached) [11.8 has been updated for a certain travel website]

Foreword Continuously updated long articles, the source code will be synchronized in my PythonSpider project in github Source code click here The main purpose of writing articles is to record the learning process. It would be best if it is helpful to everyone. Friends who want to follow can follow me This article will tackle […]

Cross-domain issues in Ajax requests and their solutions

Cross-domain issues Cross-domain refers to requesting the resources of another domain name from a web page of one domain name, such as currently requesting the JD server ( on the Baidu page ( Resources Traditional requests will not cross domains On the a site, you can submit it through hyperlink or form form or window.location.href […]

Kubernetes Affinity Anti-Affinity Taint Tolerance and Maintenance Eviction

Affinity Official website: (1) Node affinity pod.spec.nodeAffinity ●preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: soft strategy ●requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: hard strategy (2) Pod affinity pod.spec.affinity.podAffinity/podAntiAffinity ●preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: soft strategy ●requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: hard strategy Simple understanding: Suppose you are a traveler and you plan to travel to a strange city. You can think of yourself as a Pod, and different attractions in the city can […]

Six Design Principles: Building Elegant, Maintainable, and Scalable Software

Six design principles: Build elegant, maintainable and scalable software Single Responsibility Principle Open-Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Segregation Principle Composite Reuse Principle Design principles are basic guidelines used in software engineering to guide and evaluate design decisions. Following these principles helps create software systems that are highly cohesive, low coupling, and […]

SpringBoot solves cross-domain problems/Nginx configuration solves cross-domain problems

Solving cross-domain issues Foreword Cross-domain issues are an unavoidable problem in web development. We must first understand these points. 1. Cross-domain only exists with the browser and does not exist with other environments such as Android/iso/js/java and other environments. 2. Cross-domain requests can be sent, and the server can receive the request and return the […]

Github branch handles stash, rebase, merge, fastforward and branch code submission to the main branch

Directory 1 Three areas for git file storage 2 git simple submission format and query and modification of three location files 3 git rebase 4 git merge 5 Differences between merge and rebase 6 git stash 7 Applications under development 1 Three areas for git file storage Git’s file storage is divided into three areas, […]

Git sets PreCommit to submit the main project code in case of hot iteration – Windows environment

Article directory I. Introduction 2. Set PreCommit of a project (1) Steps (2) Test effect 3. Set PreCommit for multiple projects 4. FAQ (1) If you have to submit the main project code of the hot update branch, how to submit it normally? (2) How to solve the problem if there is a false alarm? […]

89. How to ensure that all data in the MySQL main database has been written to the standby database

1. First, when the main library stops writing, the position of the main library binlog pos will no longer change. “root@localhost Fri Nov 3 22:15:53 2023 22:15:53 [test]”>show master status; + —————– + ———- + ————– + —– ————- + ———————————— ——- + | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set | + […]