The H5 page based on vue 2.0 uses H5’s own positioning, Amap positioning, search for surrounding merchants, coverage markers, and positioning to the current city.

Use Gaode map positioning, search for surrounding merchants, and cover markers in the Vue-based H5 page First install the Amap plug-in npm i @amap/amap-jsapi-loader –save Map hosting container <template> <div id=”container”></div> </template> Map container style <style scoped> #container{<!– –> padding:0px; margin: 0px; width: 100%; height: 800px; } </style> Introduce JS API Loader, initialize the map, […]

ROS rviz display (visualization_msgs/Marker)

Reference blog: (1) ROS’s rviz displays various methods of historical movement trajectories and paths (visualization_msgs/Marker, nav_msgs/Path) (2) ROS Notes visualization_msgs-Marker Learning (3) Publish odometer information based on ROS Reference documentation: (1) rvizDisplayTypesMarker (2) rvizTutorialsMarkers: Basic Shapes 0 Preface (1) In ROS, odom, base_link and map are common coordinate systems (frames) used for robot positioning and […]

102 freemarker page static technology

freemarker page static technology 1.1 freemarker introduction 1.2 Environment setup & amp; & amp;Quick start 1.2.1 Create test project 1.2.2 Configuration file 1.2.3 Create model class 1.2.4 Create template 1.2.5 Create controller 1.2.6 Create startup class 1.2.7 Testing 1.3 freemarker basics 1.3.1 Basic grammar types 1.3.2 Collection instructions (List and Map) 1.3.3 if instruction 1.3.4 […]

VTK OrientationMarker direction three-dimensional coordinate system camera coordinate axis custom coordinate axis

This article is developed in Python language When we develop 3D software, we often use the camera coordinate axis to indicate the current spatial position; Coordinate axis effect: Camera direction coordinate axis Cube coordinate axis Custom axis: Code: Axes def main(): colors = vtkNamedColors() # create a Sphere sphereSource = vtkSphereSource() sphereSource.SetCenter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sphereSource.SetRadius(0.5) […]

SpringBoot implements freemarker filling in ftl format and converting to Word and PDF

gradle dependencies: implementation ‘org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.31’ implementation fileTree(‘../lib’) { include ‘*.jar’ } Template address: Necessary jar packages: I will just paste the code here Guide package: import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollectionUtil; import com.github.yulichang.base.MPJBaseServiceImpl; import com.spire.doc.Document; import com.spire.doc.FileFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import; import; import; […]

Dynamically generate swagger documents based on OpenAPI and freemarker

Foreword In spring projects, you can use springfox or springdoc to generate swagger documents by writing annotations. The following introduces a way to dynamically generate swagger documents without writing annotations. This will be applicable in certain scenarios. For example, the interface is dynamically generated, and swagger documents are generated dynamically. It cannot be generated through […]

Springmvc view format – template engine freemarker outputs HTML text

Directory 1. Introduction to freemarker Create test project 2.2.2) Configuration file 2.2.3) Create model class 2.2.4) Create template 2.2.5) Create controller 2.2.6) Create startup class 2.2.7) Testing 2.3) freemarker basics 2.3.1) Basic grammar types 2.3.2) Collection instructions (List and Map) 2.3.3) if instruction 2.3.4) Operators 2.3.5) Null value handling 2.3.6) Built-in functions 2.4) Static testing […]

Use FreeMarker to export word documents (supports loop export of multiple real-time pictures)

Continuing the update content of the previous issue, the export is a single picture. Just fill in the corresponding placeholder in the src of the path. As the needs change, today we will continue to write a loop to export multiple pictures. Picture into word. Use FreeMarker to export word documents (supports exporting single pictures) […]

videojs and videojs-markers

Article directory videojs Install and use videojs common options video.js specific options videojs-markers Install and use illustrate method videojs video.js is an online video player based on HTML5. It supports HTML5 and Flash videos, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (via plug-ins). Video.js automatically detects browser support for HTML5 and automatically uses the Flash player […]