Try using jmeter-maven-plugin

Prerequisite preparation 1. maven project 2. JMeter, Jenkins, maven, jdk have been installed Environmental requirements: jmeter>5.6.2 maven>3.9 jdk>1.8 Jenkins? Note: jmeter-maven-plugin does not need to be downloaded, you can check the relevant address: GitHub – jmeter-maven-plugin/jmeter-maven-plugin: The JMeter Maven Plugin Create maven project Open the ij editor, File–>New–>Project, select Maven, click next, enter Groupid and […]

Spring Boot Maven Plugin — repackage target; executable configuration of spring-boot-maven-plugin

Spring Boot Maven Plugin – repackage target The Spring Boot Maven Plugin plug-in provides spring boot support in maven. Allows you to package a runnable jar or war package. The plugin provides several maven goals to work with Spring Boot applications. In total there are: spring-boot:repackage spring-boot:run spring-boot:start and spring-boot:stop spring-boot:build-info repackage: Create an automatically […]

Springboot father-son project packaging comparison: maven-shade-plugin and spring-boot-maven-plugin

Table of Contents spring-boot-maven-plugin packaging Install plug-in: spring-boot-maven-plugin Run the packaging command jar maven-shade-plugin packaging Install the plugin maven-shade-plugin Run the packaging command jar Compare shade and spring-maven-plugin Tool chain: ideal, springboot, maven, parent-child module, shade, spring-boot-maven-plugin spring-boot-maven-plugin packaging Install plug-in: spring-boot-maven-plugin Configure the plug-in in the maven project pom file, the configuration is as […]

[Docker] Use the docker-maven-plugin plugin to build, release, and push the image to a private warehouse

Article directory 1. Use the docker-maven-plugin plug-in to push the project to the private server docker 1.1. Build image v1.0 1.2. Build image v2.0 1.3. Push to mirror repository 2. Pull the private server docker image to run 3. References This article describes how to push the project to the private docker warehouse through the […]

flatten-maven-plugin uses

Article directory 1. Introduction 1.1 Function 1.2 goal introduction 2. Use summary 1. Introduction 1.1 Function The parent-child pom version of the pom project is proposed as a variable definition in properties. In this way, only modifying the value of the variable (as specified when running the mvn command) can realize the overall switching of […]

launch4j-maven-plugin compiles exe program

Directory 1. Introduce the launch4j-maven-plugin plug-in in the pom.xml file 2. Compile and start 1. Execute the following command on the command line to package the program: 2. Execute the following command on the command line to convert the jar package to exe: 2. Label analysis 1. headerType tag 2. Outfile label 3. jar label […]

1058. Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec (default-cli) on project

Solution: Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:exec (default-cli) on project spring_aop: Command execution failed.The problem h2> Add the following dependent plugins to the pom without changing the content maven-compiler-plugin: used to compile Java files, specify the JDK version, etc. (I tried to change to 1.8.0, it didn’t seem to work and then changed to 1.6.0) exec-maven-plugin: […]

SpringBoot plugin spring-boot-maven-plugin principle, and jar package deployment of SpringBoo project slimming practice

spring-boot-maven-plugin We directly use maven package (the package packaging function that comes with maven). When packaging the Jar package, the Jar package that the project depends on will not be entered together. When using java -jar When the command starts the project, an error will be reported, and the project cannot be started normally. At […]