[Maven]–Module splitting, aggregation, inheritance, attributes, private server

1. Module development and design Split each layer into a module and then modify the corresponding configuration file Compile each module [compile] and install [install] to the local warehouse Where needed, import it as a dependency in the pom.xml file SSM_pojo split Create a new module [no need to add a template] Copy the corresponding […]

Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library

Docker deploys Nexus Maven private library Environment: Operating system: Linux Centos8 docker version: 20.10.23 docker image: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE sonatype/nexus3 latest 589f7296a4a2 22 months ago 655MB Nexus official website: https://www.sonatype.com/nexus-repository-oss Effect Steps 1. Pull the image Command: docker pull docker.io/sonatype/nexus3 Output: Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from sonatype/nexus3 26f1167feaf7: Pull complete […]

Maven-build life cycle and plug-ins

Foreword 1. Concepts and Basics 2. Life cycle 1. Three life cycles 2. Life cycle composition 2.1. Clean life cycle 2.2. Default build life cycle 2.3. Clean life cycle 3. Plug-in 1.Default plug-in 2. Custom plug-ins 4. Bind the plug-in goal to phase 1.Packaging 2.Plugins 5. Command line startup 1. Start the life cycle 2. […]

How to upload your own Jar to the Maven central repository

During project development, we often use Maven to pull open source third-party Jar packages from the warehouse. This article will guide you to publish your own code or open source projects to the Maven central warehouse, so that others can directly rely on your Jar package without first downloading your code and then installing it […]

Regarding issues related to Maven packaging

SpringBoot project regarding Maven packaging issues All problems and solutions in this article are based on the IDEA development tool. Maven packaging is missing resource files There are three common reasons why this problem occurs: First, the resources file in the project is not marked as the resource root directory. Second, the pom file lacks […]

The most complete interpretation of maven settings (local warehouse, remote warehouse, authentication, etc.)

1. Interpretation of setting 1.maven warehouse configuration The warehouse priority is: local warehouse (localRepositories) > repositories warehouse in profile > POM > mirrors global warehouse What is the use of settings.xml? If you have used the Maven plug-in in Eclipse, you must have this experience: configure the path of the settings.xml file. What does the […]

Nexus 3 builds a private maven warehouse

1. Install and use Nexus 3 1: Download address: https://help.sonatype.com/repomanager3/product-information/download After Windows decompression: 2: Enter the /nexus-3.61.0-02/bin directory, start the cmd command to open the command window, and enter nexus /run and wait for startup h4> 3: The default request address after startup is completed: http://localhost:8081/ Default account password: admin / admin123 Interface display: 4: […]

[Tomcat Servlet] How to deploy a maven project on idea?

Table of Contents 1.Create project 2.Introduce dependencies 3.Create a directory 4. Write code 5. Packaging program 6. Deployment project 7. Verification procedure What are Tomcat and Servlets? Take idea2019 as an example: 1. Create project 1.1 First create a maven project 1.2 Project name 2.Introduce dependencies 2.1 Enter mvnrepository.com as the URL to enter the […]

Maven’s father-son project & version control & case practice, and expand the meaning of groupId and artifactId

Article directory **“ tag** **“ tag** **“ & amp; “ difference** **“ tag** **“ tag** **Version Control Priority** Practical case: Notice: expand: tag Used for father-son engineering projects. What is father-son engineering? As the name suggests, a maven parent-child project is a maven project with a parent project and many sub-projects under the parent project. […]

IDEA creates a new maven project and uses mybatis to operate the database complete process

IDEA creates a new maven project and uses mybatis to operate the database complete process 1. Create a new maven project in IDEA 2. Configure mybatis 3. Create the entity class corresponding to the table 4. Create mapper interface 5. Use mybatis to operate the database Premise: This tutorial is about using mybatis for database […]