Improvements to HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8

Table of Contents Intro New Config HttpLoggingInterceptor More References Intro .NET 6 began to introduce an http logging middleware. We can use the http logging middleware to record request and response information, but the scalability is not very strong. In the .NET 8 version, some optimizations were made and some New configuration and HttpLoggingInterceptor make […]

Monitoring tool: Prometheus monitoring middleware (Nginx, Redis, MySql, etc.)

Our products currently use middleware such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySql, etc. This article introduces how to use Promtheus to monitor these middleware. There is a picture in “Monitoring Tool: Introduction and Installation of Prometheus” that shows the data trend of Prometheus, as follows: As can be seen from the figure, the first step in […]

SpringBoot–middleware technology-3: Integrate mongodb, integrate ElasticSearch, attached case with code (simple and easy to understand)

SpringBoot integrates mongodb Implementation steps: pom file import coordinates <!–mongo–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> Yaml configuration file configures mongodb: spring: data: mongodb: uri: mongodb://localhost/spring Just create a pojo @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class Book {<!– –> private int id; private String name; […]

Message middleware Rabbitmq

Table of Contents 1. What is message middleware? rabbitmq Common cluster preparation environment 2. Install rabbitmq Upload rabbitmq package Installed on all three servers Start rabbitmq service Open rabbitmq’s web access interface (operate on all three platforms) ?edit Enable user remote login (operate on all three stations) Restart the rabbitmq service (operate on all three […]

RabbitMQ message middleware

1. Message middle key 1 Introduction Message middleware can also be called message queue, which refers to the use of efficient and reliable message delivery mechanism for platform-independent data exchange, and the integration of distributed systems based on data communication. By providing message passing and message queuing models, process communication can be extended in a […]

RabbitMQ middleware (message queue)

1. Concept 1. Message middleware Message middleware can also be called message queue, which refers to the use of efficient and reliable message delivery mechanism for platform-independent data exchange, and the integration of distributed systems based on data communication. By providing message passing and message queuing models, process communication can be extended in a distributed […]

Improvements to HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8

Improvements in HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8 Intro .NET 6 began to introduce an http logging middleware. We can use the http logging middleware to record request and response information, but the scalability is not very strong. In the .NET 8 version, some optimizations were made and some New configuration and HttpLoggingInterceptor make it easier to […]

Message middleware – RabbitMQ (1) Windows/Linux environment construction (full version)

Foreword This chapter of this article mainly introduces environment construction. This time it is mainly a stand-alone construction (conditions are limited), including construction in Windows and Linux environments, as well as the construction of RabbitMQ monitoring platform. Environment Preparation Before setting up RabbitMQ, please make sure that the following environment has been set up Java […]

The scrapy framework crawls data (creates a scrapy project + xpath parses data + saves data through pipelines + middleware)

Table of Contents 1. Create a scrapy project 2. Xpath parses data 3. Data saving through pipelines 4. Middleware 1. Create a scrapy project 1. Create a folder: C06 Enter the following command in the terminal: 2. Install scrapy: pip install scrapy 3. Go to the folder: cd C06 4. Create project: scrapy startproject C06L02 […]

Middleware Security-CVE Recurrence&K8s&Docker&Jetty&Websphere Vulnerability Recurrence

Directory Service Attack and Defense-Middleware Security &CVE Recurrence &K8s &Docker &Jetty &Websphere Middleware-K8s Middleware-Jetty Vulnerability recurrence CVE-2021-28164-Path information disclosure vulnerability CVE-2021-28169 Double decoding information leakage vulnerability CVE-2021-34429 Path information disclosure vulnerability Middleware-Docker Vulnerability recurrence Daemon API Unauthorized Access Vulnerability Middleware-WebSphere Vulnerability recurrence Deserialization CVE-2015-7450 Weak password & amp; & amp;Background Getshell CVE-2020-4450 Service Attack and […]