Why use virtual environment in python? (Virtual environment function and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration. Official venv usage (**)

Detailed graphic and text explanation of python’s virtual environment (virtual environment functions and virtual environment construction, switching, exit, migration and packaging) code demonstration https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45440484/article/details/130144943 http://www.360doc.com/content/23/0828/21/1339386_1094251670.shtml Why use a virtual environment? First, a virtual environment helps keep your projects clean and separate. You don’t have to worry about one project’s dependencies breaking another, which makes project […]

Linux offline installation of cuda&cudnn and configuration of the machine and its environment packaging and migration

cuda installation cuda version adaptation Check the cuda version number supported by your computer [You can skip this step if you install the cuda toolkit on a supercomputing platform] CUDA toolkit Download official website download cuda toolkit Upload the downloaded .run executable file to the platform for offline installation $ cd /uploaded directory $ chmod […]

How to deploy Entity Framework database migration

Table of Contents Migrate via app least privileged subject Migrate via build server Command line tools Idempotent SQL script Bundle?Edit command line application Certification Summarize Managing stateful data is often one of the trickier parts of a DevOps strategy. Entity Framework’s migration capabilities can greatly help with small, independently executable, PR-friendly increments. In theory, it […]

Popular all over the Internet! You can use Pyecharts to create “migration charts” and “carousel charts”

1. Review of pyecharts knowledge points 1) Knowledge review We have already described how to use pyecharts to draw graphics, which involves the following four steps. Today we will follow the following steps to draw the migration chart and carousel chart. ① Select the chart type; ② Declare the graphics class and add data; ③ […]

Shengteng Migration丨Interpretation of 4 TensorFlow model training cases

This article is shared from the Huawei Cloud Community “Common Cases of TensorFlow Model Training” by Shengteng CANN. Training scripts developed based on TensorFlow’s Python API run on the CPU/GPU/TPU by default. In order for these scripts to take advantage of the powerful computing power of the Ascend AI processor, they need to be migrated […]

elasticsearch data migration elasticdump

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 es cluster construction Chapter 2 Basic Operation Commands of ES Cluster Chapter 3 es implements encryption authentication based on search-guard plug-in Chapter 4 es commonly used plug-ins Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. What is elasticdump? 2. Install the elasticdump tool 1.Offline installation 2. Online […]

elasticsearch data migration logstash

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 es cluster construction Chapter 2 Basic Operation Commands of ES Cluster Chapter 3 es implements encryption authentication based on search-guard plug-in Chapter 4 es commonly used plug-ins Chapter 5 es data migration elasticdump Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. What is logstash? 2. Full data […]

Data migration (/backup) of tables and libraries of different MySQL services

Goal: Export the table_11 data table of the migration_one database in the MySQL service with username=root, password=root, port=3307 on the local host to the local D:\start_java\XinQiUtilsOrDemo\testMigrationMySQL\table_11.bak Note: Currently, the file table_11.bak does not exist in the folder D:\start_java\XinQiUtilsOrDemo\testMigrationMySQL. Let’s first take a look at the data in the data table: SELECT * FROM migration_one.`table_11`; result: […]

echarts map migration and map drill-down

echarts map migration and map drill-down 1. Migration 1. Introduce Chinese map data and echarts const china = require(“./echarts-mapJson-master/china.json”) import * as echarts from ‘echarts’ 2. Data preparation //Point data If you need to hover or click to obtain data, you can add additional parameters. // For example, { value: [118.8062, 31.9208], code:’440100′, itemStyle: { […]

Kafka distributed cluster installation: ansible one-click installation, strong migration

Introduction to Kafka Apache Kafka is a distributed stream processing platform. What exactly does this mean? We know that the stream processing platform has the following three characteristics: Allows you to publish and subscribe to streaming records. This aspect is similar to message queues or enterprise messaging systems. It can store streaming records and has […]