Algorithm Selection API usage example based off sampleMNIST in TensorRT

Algorithm Selection API usage example based off sampleMNIST in TensorRT Table Of Contents Description How does this sample work? – Setup the algorithm selectors Preparing sample data Running the sample – Sample –help options Additional resources License Changelog Known issues Description This sample, sampleAlgorithmSelector, shows an example of how to use the algorithm selection API […]

Week T1: Implementing mnist handwritten digit recognition

This article isThe learning record blog in the 365-day deep learning training camp Original author: Classmate K | Tutoring, project customization Article source: Student K’s study circle Learning experience In the process of learning tensorflow, the similarities and differences between it and pytorch are very prominent. But in general, during the code implementation process, the […]

Week P1: Implementing mnist handwritten digit recognition

This article isThe learning record blog in the 365-day deep learning training camp Reference article: [365-day deep learning training camp – Week P1: Implementing mnist handwritten digit recognition] (Pytorch actual combat | Week P1: Implement mnist handwritten digit recognition (** Original author: Classmate K | Tutoring, project customization Table of Contents 1. Code and running […]

A complete example of applying the CNN model trained on MNIST to recognize handwritten digit pictures (pictures from the Internet)

1 Think about how to apply the training model How can the MNIST model trained through CNN be applied to recognize pictures of handwritten digits (pictures come from the Internet)? This problem bothered me for 2 days. Many of the codes I found online were to train the model and call the model in a […]

[Neural Network and Deep Learning] Using the MNIST data set to train a handwritten digit recognition model – [Attached complete training code]

[Neural Network and Deep Learning] Use the MNIST data set to train a handwritten digit recognition model – [complete training code attached] 1. Introduction to the MNIST data set MNIST data set structure 2. Model training ideas ①Load data ②Data preprocessing ③Build a model ④Configure model training method ⑤Training model ⑥Evaluation model ⑦Save the model […]

LibTorch Practice 2: MNIST’s libtorch code

Table of Contents I. Introduction 2. Another way to download the data set 3. MNIST’s Pytorch source code 4. MNIST’s Libtorch source code 1. Foreword We have introduced MNIST’s python training code and torchscript-based model serialization (export model) before. Today let’s see how to use libtorch C++ to implement handwritten digit training. 2. Another way […]

Vivado HLS implements MNIST handwritten digit recognition (2)

The previous section introduced how to use the built convolution and pooling modules to recognize the images of handwritten digits stored in the SD card. This section will introduce how to recognize handwritten digits on the image data collected by the camera. 1. HLS image processing part The input of the convolution and pooling modules […]

LibTorch Practice 1: MNIST python code

Table of Contents 1. Download the cpp and python version codes of MNIST-demo 2. Read the pytorch code in five minutes 3. Download the MNIST data set and train the model 4. Model serialization and visual analysis This article uses mnist, a relatively simple deep learning task, to start explaining how libtorch deploys the model. […]

MNIST handwriting data set

Table of Contents MNIST handwriting data set Introduction Dataset description Download and import data data visualization Data preprocessing Build and train models Model evaluation Summarize Practical application scenarios Sample code MNIST handwritten digits dataset shortcoming similar data sets MNIST handwriting data set Introduction MNIST is a very classic handwritten digit data set, organized and annotated […]

MNIST handwritten digit recognition

Foreword For study recording Preparatory work Necessary libraries import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from import DataLoader from torchvision import datasets, transforms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt The first is the definition of hyperparameters, first each batch, whether it is gup or cpu, and how many times […]