Can you build a personal blog on your mobile phone? Build your own blog website with Android Termux+Hexo

Article directory Preface 1. Install Hexo 2.Install cpolar 3.Remote access 4. Fixed public network address Foreword Hexo is a fast, simple and efficient blogging framework written in Nodejs. Hexo uses Markdown to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in a few seconds. The following describes how to install a personal hexo […]

OpenMMlab exports the mobilenet-v2 model and uses onnxruntime and tensorrt for inference

Export onnx file Use mmpretrain to export the onnx model of mobilenet-v2: import torch from mmpretrain import get_model model = get_model(‘mobilenet-v2_8xb32_in1k’, pretrained=’mobilenet_v2_batch256_imagenet_20200708-3b2dc3af.pth’, device=’cpu’) input = torch.zeros(1, 3, 224, 224) out = model(input) torch.onnx.export(model, input, “mobilenet-v2.onnx”, opset_version=11) If mmdeploy is installed, you can export it as follows: from mmdeploy.apis import torch2onnx from mmdeploy.backend.sdk.export_info import export2SDK img […]

SuperMap iMobile for Android (2) map loading

This article mainly explains how to use the SuperMap iMobile development kit to load maps Article directory 1. Project creation 2. Build.gradle environment configuration 3. Permission configuration 4. SuperMap iMobile environment initialization 5. Map loading other problems 1. Project creation Import iMobile SDK According to the functional classification, import the required packages into the project […]

vue3 drag and drop hooks (compatible with mobile terminals) and custom instruction drag and drop

Article directory specific goals Overall architecture process Specific code implementation Solution 1 How to write hooks How to use hooks is as follows Option 2: Writing custom instructions The method of customizing instructions is as follows: Specific goals 1. The drag and drop function is fully functional 2. Do not invade business 3. Boundary values […]

How to query the encrypted mobile phone number in a fuzzy manner?

Foreword A few days ago, a friend from Knowledge Planet asked me a question: How to fuzzy query an encrypted mobile phone number? We all know that when designing a system, considering the security of the system, it is necessary to encrypt some of the user’s personal privacy information, such as: login password, ID number, […]

A solution for connecting Android devices to mobile phone H5 to display real-time images (2)

Frontend: A solution for Android devices to connect to mobile phone H5 to display real-time images Because of the pitfalls encountered in SSL verification The real-time screen display solution ran well during local joint debugging and testing. However, after the pre-release environment was released, the real-time screen display could not be displayed and the browser […]

How to choose Shader based on performance for Unity3D mobile development

Foreword In Unity3D mobile development, it is very important to choose the appropriate Shader, which directly affects the performance and picture effects of the game. This article will introduce how to choose a Shader based on performance, and give corresponding technical details and code implementation. Yes, there is a game development exchangegroup here. I hope […]

Detailed analysis of front-end mobile advanced web five

Responsive layout plan Media inquiries Bootstrap framework 01-Media Inquiry Basic writing max-width: maximum width (less than or equal to) min-width: minimum width (greater than or equal to) Writing order min-width (from small to large) max-width (large to small) Case-Hide on the left Requirement: If the width of the web page is less than or equal […]