“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Use vue + element ui to access large language models

Amazon Cloud Technology Cloud Discovery Lab Activity Essay Collection | Using vue + element ui to access large language models Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party […]

Explosive performance! Python multi-process mode implements multi-core CPU parallel computing

Article directory Preface 1. Multi-process mode in Python 2. Methods to improve program execution efficiency 1. Multiple processes execute tasks concurrently 2. Process pool 3.Message queue 4. Shared memory 5.Asynchronous IO Summarize About Python technical reserves 1. Learning routes in all directions of Python 2. Python basic learning video 3. Excellent Python learning books 4. […]

DALL·E 2 Vincentian Diagram Model Practice Guide

Preface: This blog records the relevant information and DEBUG process used for inference using the dalle2 model. Related blogs: Super detailed! DALL · E Vincentian Diagram Model Practical Guide Directory 1. Environment setup and pre-training model preparation Environment setup Pre-trained model download 2. Code 3. BUG & DEBUG URLError CUDA error RuntimeError PydanticUserError 1. Environment […]

IsolarAB exports arxml to Matlab/Simulink to generate the model and configure the memory partition

This article uses a simple example to illustrate how to import the SWC arxml designed by Isolar into simulink to generate a model, and specify that the code generated by simulink has memory partition information. The SWC created in this article is called ECAS_Sensor_SWC. Its main function is to process sensor signals and pass them […]

Five major IO models in Linux and three IO models in Java

The five major IO models in Linux and the three IO models in Java IO model background 1. Kernel state, user state 2. The general process of the application receiving data from the network 3. Synchronous/asynchronous, blocking/non-blocking Five major Linux IO models Blocking IO Non-blocking IO Multiplexed IO Signal driven IO Asynchronous IO Three IO […]

The 2.5k ChatGPT-Java version SDK upgrade 1.1.2-beta0 supports GPT-4V, Dall-e-3 model, ToolCalls, fine-tuning Job, TTS…

1. Project Introduction Chatgpt-Java is the Java SDK of OpenAI’s official API, which can be quickly accessed for use in projects. Supports all official OpenAI interfaces. The current harvest will be 2500 + star. Open source address: https://github.com/Grt1228/chatgpt-java Official documentation: https://chatgpt-java.unfbx.com/ Latest version: 1.1.2-beta0 <dependency> <groupId>com.unfbx</groupId> <artifactId>chatgpt-java</artifactId> <version>1.1.2-beta0</version> </dependency> Currently supported features: Dall-e-3 FineTuneJob TTS […]

Oracle active/standby switchover, ogg recovery method (classic mode)

Foreword: This article mainly introduces how to recover the ogg process (classic mode) running in the main database and standby database when the Oracle database physical ADG primary and backup switches (switchover, failover). Test recovery scenario: 1 A switchover occurs between the active and standby devices, and the main database is the ogg source. 2 […]

Customization of HuggingFace model header

Recommended online tools: Three.js AI Texture Development Kit – YOLO synthetic data generator – GLTF/GLB online editing – 3D model format online conversion – Programmable 3D scene editor In this article we’ll cover how to adapt HuggingFace’s model to your task, build a custom model header in Pytorch and connect it to the body of […]

n-gram language model – text generation source code

n-gram language model – text generation source code Basic principles of n-gram model Steps of text generation 1. Preparation and word segmentation 2. Build n-gram model 3. Application of smoothing technology 4. Generate text Source code In the field of natural language processing, the n-gram language model is a basic and powerful tool. It is […]