Open source software FFmpeg generates models using image data sets

This article talks about the open source software ffmpeg, which has helped countless video software companies, countless online video websites, and countless CDN cloud service vendors. Share how to use it to convert various video or movie files into tens of thousands of image data sets and wallpaper collections, so that the model program in […]

One article decoding language models: principles, practice and evaluation of language models

In this article, we take a deep dive into the inner workings of language models, from basic models to large-scale variants, and analyze the pros and cons of various evaluation metrics. The article provides a comprehensive and in-depth perspective through code examples, algorithm details, and latest research, aiming to help readers more accurately understand and […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Use vue + element ui to access large language models

Amazon Cloud Technology Cloud Discovery Lab Activity Essay Collection | Using vue + element ui to access large language models Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party […]

Five major IO models in Linux and three IO models in Java

The five major IO models in Linux and the three IO models in Java IO model background 1. Kernel state, user state 2. The general process of the application receiving data from the network 3. Synchronous/asynchronous, blocking/non-blocking Five major Linux IO models Blocking IO Non-blocking IO Multiplexed IO Signal driven IO Asynchronous IO Three IO […]

Generative AI – Knowledge Graph Prompting: A multi-document question answering method based on large models

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) tasks. They change the way we interact with and process text data. These powerful AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, have changed the way human-like text is understood and generated, leading to numerous breakthrough applications across a variety of industries. LangChain is an open source […]

PaddleNLP Natural Language Processing Knowledge Graph When using uie-x-base, uie-m-large, uie-m-base models, an error Out of memory error on GPU 0 gpu memory is not enough

Hi, I’m @ cargoyouxing I’m interested in … I’m currently learning… ?I’m looking to collaborate on… How to reach me… README directory (continuously updated) Various error handling, crawler practice and templates, Baidu Intelligent Cloud face recognition, computer vision deep learning CNN image recognition and classification, PaddlePaddle natural language processing knowledge graph, GitHub, operation and maintenance… […]

[Linux Programming] Five IO models of Linux: blocking IO, non-blocking IO, IO multiplexing, signal-driven IO and asynchronous IO

The Linux IO model refers to the way in which user processes and the kernel perform input and output operations in a Linux system. Input and output operations usually involve the transmission and copying of data. These operations consume system resources and time. Therefore, choosing an appropriate IO model is very important to improve the […]

Based on the full series of yolov5 [n/s/m/l/x] models with different parameter levels, a system for detecting and segmenting cement building wall defects and diseases in tunnel inspection scenarios was developed and constructed.

In the previous article, we developed and constructed a cave building disease defect detection and segmentation system in the culvert scenario based on the most lightweight n-series model of YOLOv5. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself: “Development and construction of a cave wall defect detection and segmentation system in culvert scenarios […]

[Practical practice of fine-tuning large models] Using Peft technology and your own data set to fine-tune large models

Personal blog: Sekyoro’s blog cabin Personal website: Proanimer’s personal website This is a very popular topic during this period. Large models have many parameters and occupy a large space, which is difficult to train and generally requires fine-tuning technology for specific tasks. AnimeBot.ipynb – Colaboratory ( complete code What is large model LLM LLM, short […]