Pytorch model use, modification, saving and loading

This article introduces the use, modification, saving and loading of Pytorch models. Taking torchvision in image processing as an example, PyTorch provides more pre-trained models through the torchvision.models module. Article directory Use and modification of network models VGG16 model use VGG16 model modification Saving and reading network models Save the model Loading the network model […]

[Android] Screen lag, optimized list fluency, pull down to refresh, pull up to load more components, RefreshLayout modification

I have also written about similar components before: Address: Pull down to refresh & pull up to load more components SmartRefreshLayout I originally planned to replace it with this one, but after careful research I found it was not suitable. The functions are very good, but they cannot be embedded in the current engineering system. […]

Initial MySQL (2) (add, delete, check and modify tables)

Table of Contents Modify table CRUD (add, delete, modify, check) insert statement (add data to the table) update statement (modify data in the table) delete delete statement select statement Modify table Add column ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype] …); Modify column ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] […]

JavaScript uses functions to set and modify the innerHtml and innerText attributes of the div box—–JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– This is an HTML comment –> <html lang=”en” id=”myHtml”> <head> <!– This does not set the encoding, but tells the browser what encoding method to use to open the file to avoid garbled characters –> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>HtmlAll</title> <style type=”text/css”> #div1{ background-color: aquamarine; width: 300px; height: 300px; border: […]

Modify the software name in the launcher on Tongxin desktop operating system 1060

Original link: Modify the software name in the launcher on Tongxin UOS1060 Hello, everyone, today I bring you an article about changing the name of the software in the launcher on the Unison desktop operating system 1060, so that we can modify the frequently used software to display personalized names. Welcome everyone to browse share. […]

[javaweb job] Read database data, delete modifications

Class exercise, no service and servlet written Database SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; —————————- — Table structure for students —————————- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student`; CREATE TABLE `student` ( `stuid` int NOT NULL, `stuname` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `stusex` int NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`stuid`) USING BTREE […]

[Data structure] (sequence table) addition, deletion, checking and modification

Table of Contents Foreword: Sequence table: 1. Concept and classification 1.1 Sequence table classification static sequence table dynamic sequence table 2. Interface implementation 2.1 Functional requirements 2.2 Function implementation Initialization sequence table Destruction sequence table Insert at the end of the sequential table Check whether to expand the capacity Print sequence table Sequential header insertion […]

BPMN-JS: Modify node “Change Type” event type

Modify the path: node_modules\bpmn-js\lib\features\replace\ReplaceOptions.js export var START_EVENT = [ { label: ‘Start Event’, actionName: ‘replace-with-none-start’, className: ‘bpmn-icon-start-event-none’, target: { type: ‘bpmn:StartEvent’ } }, // { // label: ‘Intermediate Throw Event’, // actionName: ‘replace-with-none-intermediate-throwing’, // className: ‘bpmn-icon-intermediate-event-none’, // target: { // type: ‘bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent’ // } // }, // { // label: ‘End Event’, // actionName: ‘replace-with-none-end’, […]