STL follow-up-set/multiset container

set container principle std::set is a container in the C++ standard library that provides an ordered, non-duplicate collection of elements. The implementation of std::set is based on balanced binary search trees (red-black trees). The following are the main features and implementation principles of std::set: Ordering: The elements in std::set are stored in a specific order […]

The use of set/multiset and map/multimap in C++

Associative container In the preliminary stage, we have already been exposed to some containers in STL: For example: vector, list, deque, forward_list (C++11), etc. These containers are collectively called sequential containers because their underlying data structure is a linear sequence data structure, and the elements themselves are stored in them. The containers we want to […]

C++set & multiset

Article directory Preface 1.set introduction 2.Use of set 3.Introduction to multiset 4.Use of multiset Foreword Knowledge foundation: associative containers and value-key pair concepts Link-[C++] Associative container & key-value pair (concept introduction) 1.set introduction setdocument translate: Set is a container that stores elements in a certain order (from small to large) In the set, the value […]

set/multiset container, map container

Table of Contents set/multiset container set basic concepts set size and swapping setinsertion and deletion Find and count The difference between set and multiset Change set sorting rules set stores built-in data types set stores custom data types pair team map container Basic concepts of map containers map construction and assignment map size and swap […]

set/multiset container

1 Basic concepts of set Introduction: All elements are automatically sorted when inserted Essence: set/multiset belongs to Associative Container, and the underlying structure is implemented using Binary Tree. The difference between set and multiset: set does not allow duplicate elements in the container multiset allows duplicate elements in the container 2 set construction and assignment […]

The use of map, set, multimap and multiset in C++

Use of map, set, multimap, multiset associative container key value pair Tree-structured associative container set set introduction Use of set set definition method set various operation functions multiset map Introduction to map Use of map insert function find function erase function [ ] operator overloading map iterator traversal multimap Associative container In the initial stage, […]

[C++] set/multiset container

1.set basic concept #include <iostream> using namespace std; //set container construction and assignment #include<set> //Traverse void printSet(const set<int> & st) {<!– –> for (set<int>::const_iterator it = st. begin(); it != st. end(); it ++ ) {<!– –> cout << *it << ” “; } //Newline cout << endl; } //set container construction and assignment void […]

STL container list, vector, stack, bitset, set, multiset instance demo

1, list //The two text files contain the college entrance examination results of a middle school, including the admission ticket number, name, university name, and total score information. //However, due to some reasons, there may be duplicate records in the two files. It is now required to merge the contents of the two files together, […]

[C++] STL – the use of set/multiset and map/multimap

Article directory 1. Associative container 2. Associative container of tree structure 3. set 3.1 Understanding set 3.1 Use of set 4. multiset 5. map 5.1 Understanding map 5.2 pairs 5.3 The use of maps Understanding of [] in map 6. multimap 1. Associative container In the initial stage, we have already touched some containers in […]