Nvidia graphics card Failed to initialize NVML Driver/library version mismatch error solution

GPT has become quite popular recently, so I started to experiment with the GPU to run projects: https://github.com/OpenTalker/SadTalker Today I suddenly found that the program could not be used. After investigation, it was probably due to the inconsistency between the NVIDIA kernel driver version and the system driver version. The solutions to this error are […]

Solve the problem of Ths OCH driver package is not conmtibIe with the currently uistalled version of NVIDIA installation

Table of Contents Solve the “The NVIDIA driver package is not compatible with the currently installed version of Windows” error that occurs during NVIDIA installation Problem Description Solution Method One: Uninstall the existing NVIDIA driver and install it manually Method 2: Use NVIDIA GeForce Experience for driver installation Method 3: Use Windows Device Manager to […]

redroid11 integrated nvidia gpu hals

Foreword In this article, nvidia related aosp library and 510.155_Android_R_aarch64_release file are used to provide basic information from the original factory, which can be used for the basic ideas of aosp transplant library. This article records the practice of integrating nvidia gpu driver library and nvidia_omx driver library in redroid11 (aosp11) for memo. 1>. Apply […]

Sudden! NVIDIA H800/A800 ban actually took effect early, but 4090 was unexpectedly exempted!

Click the Card below and follow the “CVer” public account AI/CV heavy-duty information, delivered as soon as possible Click to enter->[Computer Vision and Transformer] Communication Group Reprinted from: Xinzhiyuan [Introduction]The chip ban actually took effect 24 days in advance? The U.S. Department of Commerce stated that it will cancel the 30-day exemption period and take […]

Solve The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 9010). Please update your GPU driver

Table of Contents Solve “The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 9010). Please update your GPU driver” 1. Check driver version 2. Download the latest NVIDIA driver 3. Uninstall old NVIDIA drivers 4. Install new NVIDIA driver 5. Verify that the new driver is installed successfully in conclusion Sample code: Check […]

Actual combat! NVIDIA CUDA-based Point Cloud Library (PCL) accelerates lidar point cloud

Author | Point Cloud PCL Click the Card below to follow the “Heart of Autonomous Driving” public account ADAS giant volume of dry information is now available Click to enter→Heart of Autonomous Driving [Point Cloud Processing] Technical Exchange Group This article is for academic sharing only. If there is any infringement, please contact us to […]

‘nvidia-smi is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Solution ‘nvidia-smi’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file Problem description On computers using NVIDIA GPU acceleration, you may encounter the following error message when trying to execute the command ??nvidia-smi??: plaintextCopy code’nvidia-smi’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file Solution […]

Linux-Ubuntu22.04, [nvidia-smi] Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch solution

1. System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64-bit) 2. Question: It was still working normally yesterday. You can check the graphics card version. Today it prompts that the version does not match. I suspect it was because I installed CUDA yesterday? But cuda should not affect the graphics card driver. So, I checked the driver version dpkg […]

NVIDIAGet GPU utilization-cpp.md

In deep learning inference, in order to utilize GPU more efficiently, you need to pay attention to creating new instances and allocating them to different GPU devices among multiple inference task instances. How much is left to the current GPU for better allocation? Code Directory . ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── src │ └── main.cpp ├── ubuntu_build.sh […]