Kafka – 3.x offset does not exactly point to north

Article directory The default maintenance position of offset Consumer `__consumer_offsets` case Automatically submit offset Code Submit offset manually Code synchronous submission Code asynchronous submission Specify offset consumption (auto.offset.reset = earliest | latest | none |) Data leakage consumption and repeated consumption analysis Default maintenance location of offset Since the consumer may experience power outages and […]

BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset function case

Performed edge creation, wire creation, and curve offset functions through wires, as well as display functions. void ViewWindow::OnGen2dCurve() { // Clear All _ctrlUi->listView->Clear(); try { //Construct a line segment GC_MakeSegment Segment1(gp_Pnt(20, 0, 0), gp_Pnt(30, 0, 0)); //Construct an edge based on the line segment BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdge(Segment1.Value()); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdge2(gp_Pnt(30, 0, 0), gp_Pnt(30, 20, 0)); \t\t BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge […]

Kafka-Java 4: Spring configures the strategy for Kafka consumers to submit Offset

1. Strategy for Kafka consumer to submit Offset The strategies for Kafka consumers to submit Offset are Automatically submit Offset: After the consumer pulls the message and before it is consumed by the consumer, the offset is automatically submitted directly. Automatic submission may lose data. For example, the offset of the message has been submitted […]

Use of PreferenceKey/preference key, GeometryPreferenceKey/geometry view preference key, ScrollViewOffsetPreferenceKey/scroll view offset preference key

1. Basic use of PreferenceKey preference key 1.1 Create a basic usage view of the preference key PreferenceKeyBootcamp.swift import SwiftUI /// Preferences/Preferences key struct PreferenceKeyBootcamp: View { @State private var text: String = “Hello, world!” var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { SecondaryScreen(text: text) .navigationTitle(“Navigation Title”) } } .onPreferenceChange(CustomTitlePreferenceKey.self) { value in if […]

jquer combines the offsetLeft() attribute to calculate the moving distance

1. Three main points to master today (1) Use of offset() attribute (2) $(window).width() gets the viewport width (3) The weight in !important uses https://www.runoob.com/css/css-important.html 2. Rendering: (1) Description: When the mouse moves to the current area, the background color is displayed. When moving left and right, there is a left and right moving animation […]

The consumer submits the consumed offset

1. Overview After consuming the message, the consumer will submit the consumed offset to the built-in Topic of __consumer_offsets-; each consumer group maintains an offset for the current consumer group. So here comes the question: When does the consumer group update the offset to the partition in the broker? Kafka consumer configuration information Name Description […]

Postgre uses pagehelper to query paging and reports error ERROR: LIMIT #,# syntax is not supported. Suggestion: Use separate LIMIT and OFFSET c

postgre uses pagehelper to query paging and reports an error: ERROR: LIMIT #,# syntax is not supported Suggestion: Use separate LIMIT and OFFSET clauses ? Hello friends~ I recently worked on a project, which is a regular SpringBoot + Mybatis architecture. The database uses PostgreSQL, and there are some scenarios where paging queries need to […]

Python test development django-rest-framework-87. Pagination query offset pagination (LimitOffsetPagination) and cursor pagination (CursorPagination)…

Foreword The django-rest-framework paginator provides 3 paging methods. The previous article introduced simple paging (PageNumberPagination). This article continues to introduce the other two paging offset paging (LimitOffsetPagination) and cursor paging (CursorPagination) Offset Pagination (LimitOffsetPagination) LimitOffsetPagination is offset paging. When querying, the url address carries two parameters, limit and offset, in the following format http://localhost:8000/api/v1/goods?limit=100 & […]