Improvements to HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8

Table of Contents Intro New Config HttpLoggingInterceptor More References Intro .NET 6 began to introduce an http logging middleware. We can use the http logging middleware to record request and response information, but the scalability is not very strong. In the .NET 8 version, some optimizations were made and some New configuration and HttpLoggingInterceptor make […]

Oracle active/standby switchover, ogg recovery method (classic mode)

Foreword: This article mainly introduces how to recover the ogg process (classic mode) running in the main database and standby database when the Oracle database physical ADG primary and backup switches (switchover, failover). Test recovery scenario: 1 A switchover occurs between the active and standby devices, and the main database is the ogg source. 2 […]

Develop a modern .NetCore console program, including dependency injection/configuration/logging and other elements

1Foreword There are a lot of scenarios where gadgets need to be developed recently. Last time I developed a hive export tool using the go language. The experience was pretty good, but I really don’t like the syntax of the go language. This time I will try to use C# to develop gadgets. The function […]

WPF ToggleButton theme switching animation button

WPF ToggleButton theme switching animation button I imitate an effect in HTML that I saw recently. The general idea is like this in the article. I feel that it can be further refined. code show as below XAML: <UserControl x:Class=”WPFSwitch.AnimationSwitch” xmlns=”” xmlns:x=”” xmlns:mc=”″ xmlns:icon=”” xmlns:d=”″ xmlns:local=”clr-namespace:WPFSwitch” mc:Ignorable=”d” x:Name=”root” ClipToBounds=”True” d:DesignHeight=”200″ d:DesignWidth=”600″> <UserControl.Resources> <local:HalfConverter x:Key=”CornerConverter”/> <local:HalfConverter […]

selenium waits for element loading, element manipulation, js execution, switching tabs, logging into cnblogs (chrome), and drawer semi-automatic likes

selenium waits for elements to load Code operations are very fast ? \dashrightarrow ? Some tags have not been loaded yet ? \dashrightarrow ? Can’t find it even if I look for it ? \dashrightarrow ? will report an error Set wait: show wait, hermit wait # Search for a certain tag. If it cannot […]

Python Practical | Use Python’s logging library (logging) and pandas library to analyze log data

A collection of columns that you can save for emergencies Spring Cloud practical column: Python practical column: Logback detailed explanation column: tensorflow column: Redis column: Spring Cloud actual combat: Spring Cloud Practical Combat | Decrypting the underlying principles of Feign, including practical source code Spring Cloud Practical Combat | Decrypting […]

Improvements to HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8

Improvements in HttpLoggingMiddleware in ASP.NET 8 Intro .NET 6 began to introduce an http logging middleware. We can use the http logging middleware to record request and response information, but the scalability is not very strong. In the .NET 8 version, some optimizations were made and some New configuration and HttpLoggingInterceptor make it easier to […]

Mybatis integrates pagehelper and reports an error ClassNotFoundException: org.mybatis.logging.LoggerFactory

Table of Contents Report an error reason Solution Error report In order to introduce pagehelper, the following code is added to the pom.xml file <dependency> <groupId>com.github.pagehelper</groupId> <artifactId>pagehelper-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency> As a result, the error when starting the soringboot project is as follows: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘testMybatisController’: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘salePickGoodsInfoMapper’; […]

[Audio and Video | Ogg] RFC3533: The Ogg Encapsulation Format Version 0 (The Ogg Encapsulation Format Version 0)

Blog homepage: Blog content:Embedded development, Linux, C language, C++, data structure, audio and video Content of this article:Introduction to Ogg packaging format Golden sentence sharing:Confucius said: A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain has long-term relationships. –“The Analects of Confucius·Shuerpian”. It means that a gentleman is open-minded and calm; a villain is preoccupied and worried […]