k8s resource management operation-declarative management method

Table of Contents Declarative resource management approach 1. Commonly used kubernetes management commands 1) Check version information 2) View the resource object abbreviation 3) View cluster information 4) Configure kubectl automatic completion 5) Node node view logs 2. Resource management commands 1) Create resources 2) View resources 3) Delete resources 4) Enter the container in […]

AI singer, debuted in C position, implements audio singing synthesis operation based on PaddleHub/Diffsinger (Python3.10)

Music professionals who understand music theory can express their musical creativity and ideas by writing music scores and playing musical instruments. However, if amateurs who do not know music music also want to play music across the border, the threshold is a bit high. However, with the rapid iteration of artificial intelligence technology, anyone can […]

MATLAB connects to the MYSQL database and performs addition and deletion operations

I recently built an experiment management system. The new UI interface of matlab is relatively interactive and user-friendly. I am new to mysql and have never touched a database before, so I will make a record. 1. Environment installation 1. Make sure that matlab has database toolbox installed, which can be queried through the ver […]

Hbase java api operation

1. Table exists package org.example; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory; import java.io.IOException; public class TestDemo { public static Connection connection=null; public static Admin admin=null; static { try { Configuration configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create(); configuration.set(“hbase.rootdir”, “hdfs://”); configuration.set(“hbase.zookeeper.quorum”,”hadooplyf316″); connection= ConnectionFactory.createConnection(configuration); admin = connection.getAdmin(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } […]

Nodejs operation cache database-Redis

Hi I’m Shendi Nodejs column Nodejs operation cache database-Redis In server-side development, cache database is also indispensable, which can improve program concurrency and facilitate subsequent expansion. Currently, the most commonly used one is Redis. Install dependencies Like the previous mysql, the most commonly used dependency of redis is redis npm install redis Depend on the […]

Java parses OWL ontology for addition and deletion operations

First configure the path of the operation ontology (match your own path): //The name of the owl file changes as the owl file changes. String metaName = “newmeta_11.owl”; //The IRI of the owl file changes as the owl file changes. String ontologyIRI = “http://www.semanticweb.org/asus/ontologies/2022/6/untitled-ontology-23”; /** * Try to load the metadata file, try to find […]

VSCode runs c++ program (operation + detailed explanation + json file configuration detailed explanation)

Preface: Because the quality of online tutorials varies, I felt very confused when I first came into contact with this thing. I hereby write this blog to help my friends solve the problem. Table of Contents 1. Operation details 1Download VSCode code editor 2Install C/C++ extension 3Install the MinGW-w64 compiler 4Add path 5 Test whether […]

RT-Thread kernel-atomic operation ①

RT-Thread kernel-atomic operation ① RT-Thread Kernel-Atomic Operations Atomic operations Introduction to atomic operations Advantages of Atomic Operations Implementation and usage of RT-Thread atomic operations RT-Thread Atomic Operation API Comprehensive example RT-Thread kernel-atomic operation Atomic operations Introduction to atomic operations Atomic operation refers to an indivisible operation that either executes completely successfully or does not execute […]