HDU 1686: Oulipo ← KMP algorithm (overlapping calculations)

[Source of the question]http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1686http://poj.org/problem?id=3461 [Title description] The French author Georges Perec (1936–1982) once wrote a book, La disparition, without the letter ‘e’. He was a member of the Oulipo group. A quote from the book: Tout avait Pair normal, mais tout s’affirmait faux. Tout avait Fair normal, d’abord, puis surgissait l’inhumain, l’affolant. son tapis, assailant […]

The overlapping and stacking of echarts’ histogram realizes the display of two bars and the previous difference display.

renderings Main idea Prepare three cylinders (original plan, actual progress, difference) The original plan and actual progress are set to overlap {<!– –> barWidth: 20, // yAxisIndex: 1, z: 1, name: ‘original plan’, type: ‘bar’, stack: ‘ab’, emphasis: {<!– –> // Click on the cylinder and the color of other cylinders will become lighter. disabled: […]

Qt desktop whiteboard tool part 2 (implementation method of highlighter and solving the problem of overlapping dark spots caused by transparency)

Previous article: One of the Qt desktop whiteboard tools (solve the problem of uneven curves – Bezier curve) 1. Foreword: I’m quite talkative and may talk a lot of nonsense. In the previous article, I mainly shared about the problem of non-smooth curves solved by the Bessel algorithm. Simply put, we can use the algorithm […]

OpenStack (4)–NameSpace realizes overlapping network segments of different projects (tenants)

Openstack isolates the networks of different projects (tenants) through namespaces. The administrator of each project needs to plan and construct the project network, which leads to the reuse of certain network segments between different projects. For example, 192.168.X.X is the management The network segment used by the staff. Last time we created a new instance […]

[Algorithm] Circle and Rectangle Overlapping Whether the circle and the rectangle overlap

Article directory Circle and Rectangle Overlapping Whether the circle and rectangle overlap Problem Description: analyze the code tag Circle and Rectangle Overlapping Whether the circle and rectangle overlap Description of problem: Given a circle represented by (radius, xCenter, yCenter) and a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes ( x 1 x_1 x1?, the y 1 […]

Network programming–realize echo server in pure overlapping IO mode

Write in front The overlapped IO model only introduces the Sender and receiver that perform overlapped IO, but the echo server has not been implemented using this model. Therefore, this article will implement an echo server based on the overlapped IO model on this basis. ioctlsocket The ioctlsocket function is used to create a socket […]

Network programming–overlapping IO model

Write in front The asynchronous notification IO model introduced in the article Asynchronous notification IO model belongs to the notification IO model, and the IO multiplexing described in the similar select implementation of IO multiplexing also belongs to the communication IO model. What is the notification IO model, that is, the IO is completed to […]

Greedy | 18 435. No overlapping intervals*

This article records the important concepts and notes in the process of brushing the questions. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. Table of Contents 435. Non-overlapping intervals train of thought method 1 Method 2: Left Sort Contact: 452. Detonate Balloons with Minimum Number of Arrows 435. No overlapping interval Link to Links(opens […]

Calculate the overlapping area of two polygons (C++)

Calculate the overlapping area of two polygons (C++) Method One #include <iostream>//input and output #include <vector>//Dynamic number #include <cmath>//mathematical calculation #include <iomanip>//formatted output using namespace std; class Polygon {<!– –> public: Polygon(float* polygon, int vertex) : polygon(polygon), vertex(vertex) {<!– –>}; float* polygon; // coordinates in the form of [x, y, x, y, …., ] int […]