[Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query (2) – front-end el-pagination implementation

Series of articles [Springboot] Based on annotation development Springboot-Vue3 integrates Mybatis-plus to implement paging query – back-end implementation Article directory Series of articles system version Implement function Implementation ideas Data format passed in from backend frontendel-table Encapsulate axois interface Introducing the el-pagination paging component of Element-plus Axois gets background data System version Backend: Springboot 2.7, […]

vue2+ant-design-vue a-select component secondary packaging (supports single selection/multiple selection to add all selections/pagination (multiple selections across pages)/custom label)

1. Renderings 2. Parameter configuration 1. Code example <t-antd-select v-model=”selectVlaue” :optionSource=”stepList” @change=”selectChange” /> 2. Configuration parameters (Attributes) inherit a-select Attributes Parameter Description Type Default value v-model Bind value boolean / string / number/Array – mode Set ‘multiple”tags’ multi-selection (display all selection ) String – optionSource Drop-down data source Array – width select width (can set […]

Ant-Design-Pro-V5: QueryFilter advanced filtering component, Table and Pagination components are combined to implement query.

Requirements: Select different types according to classification conditions, and the table calls different interfaces to display different data. Code: import React, {<!– –> useRef, useState, Fragment, useEffect } from ‘react’; import {<!– –> getNoticeInfo, getBannerList, delNotice } from ‘./service’; import {<!– –> getCodeSelecBytybe } from ‘@/services/globalServices’; import {<!– –> ProFormSelect, QueryFilter, PageContainer, ProFormText, ProTable, } […]

drf-pagination, coreapi automatically generates interface documents

Table of Contents Pagination The view class inherits the specific usage of paging from ListAPIView # The first PageNumberPagination page number paging # The second type of LimitOffsetPagination offset paging # The third type of CursorPagination cursor paging Use of view classes The view class inherits the paging usage of APIView or GenericAPIView coreapi How […]

Pagination processing – Ruoyi cloud – 129

129 Detailed explanation of paging function implementation | RuoYi The front end uses the lightweight table plug-in bootstrap-table (opens new window) based on bootstrap The backend uses the lightweight paging plug-in pageHelper (opens new window) based on mybatis hint: Front-end and back-end paging implementation process One front end 1 element-ui provides el-pagination, which can be […]

Front-end partial printing (pdf pagination)

Technology: htmlcanvas and jspdf Achievable effect: no cutting of pdf Rendering: <template> <div style=”background: #f5f5f5;”> <div class=”flex-end button-wrap”> <el-button :disabled=”loading” @click=”handlePrint”> Print </el-button> </div> <div v-loading.body.fullscreen=”loading” class=”printForm” > <div id=”form-main”> <div style=”margin-top:32px” /> <template v-for=”item in 25″> <div :key=”item” class=”item”> <div class=”line” :style=”{‘min-height’:item %2 ?’160px’ : ’40px’}”> <span style=”color:red”>{<!– –>{ item }}</span> <span> {<!– –>{ […]

Converting wkhtmltopdf from HTML to PDF files causes table pagination to fail, solution and Java implementation

This requirement requires that the space where the table is insufficient be displayed on another page. After dynamically splicing HTML statements based on data, use wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF files. It was found that it was successful locally but failed when deployed to the test environment. After investigation, it is because the version […]

Python test development django-rest-framework-87. Pagination query offset pagination (LimitOffsetPagination) and cursor pagination (CursorPagination)…

Foreword The django-rest-framework paginator provides 3 paging methods. The previous article introduced simple paging (PageNumberPagination). This article continues to introduce the other two paging offset paging (LimitOffsetPagination) and cursor paging (CursorPagination) Offset Pagination (LimitOffsetPagination) LimitOffsetPagination is offset paging. When querying, the url address carries two parameters, limit and offset, in the following format http://localhost:8000/api/v1/goods?limit=100 & […]

Django-pagination-form data verification

Page view layer def fenye(request): all_data = models.AuthorDetail.objects.all() current_page = request.GET.get(‘page’,1) count = all_data.count() page_obj = Pagination(current_page=current_page,all_count=count) data = all_data[page_obj.start:page_obj.end] return render(request,’fenye.html’,locals()) Template layer {% for a in data %} <p>{<!– –>{ a.addr }}</p> {% endfor %} {<!– –>{ page_obj.page_html|safe }} Custom paginator class Pagination(object): def __init__(self, current_page, all_count, per_page_num=10, pager_count=11): “”” Encapsulate paging related […]