[UI Programming in Unity] How to use a code framework to control a server server selection panel

Personal homepage: @元 Universe-志慅 hallo Welcome to like Favorite? Leave a message Follow?! This article was originally written by Zhiyuan Included in the column:UI_Unity column ?Choose a server? Article directory ?Choose server? Foreword (==0==)Storage format of server data Write Excel and convert to Json (==1==)Player data class (==1==)District server data class (==1==)Selection button data class […]

Quickly build a website on Linux and use intranet penetration to achieve public network access to the Pagoda Panel

Article directory Preface 1. Environment installation 2. Install cpolar intranet penetration 3. Intranet penetration 4. Fixed http address 5. Configure the second-level subdomain name 6. Create a test page Foreword As a simple and easy-to-use server operation and maintenance management panel, Pagoda Panel supports Linux/Windows systems. We can use it to configure LAMP/LNMP environments, websites, […]

Vue-SplitPane can drag the split panel (drag the div as you like)

npm install vue-splitpane 1. Use (1) Topical use: in vue file import splitPane from ‘vue-splitpane’ export default { componnets: { splitPane } } (2) Global use: Register in main.js file import splitPane from ‘vue-splitpane’ //Register as global component Vue.component(‘split-pane’, splitPane); 2. Example of using local parts in vue files First divide it into left and […]

Pagoda panel one-click deployment of Z-Blog blog – Intranet penetration to achieve public network access

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. Website construction 2.1. Web download and installation 2.2.Web page testing 2.3.cpolar installation and registration 3. Local web page publishing 3.1.Cpolar temporary data tunnel 3.2.Cpolar stable tunnel (cloud settings) 3.3.Cpolar stable tunnel (local settings) 4. Public network access test 5 Conclusion 1. Preface As an important branch of the Linux system, […]

Use the el-collapse folding panel in elementui to implement the drop-down menu

<template> <div class=”left-factor-library-name”> <div class=”left-tree”> <div class=”tree-top”>Table name</div> <div class=”sub-input”> <el-input clearable placeholder=”search” @input=”factorNameSearch()” v-model=”factorName” size=”small” clear=”el-inp” /> </div> <div class=”tree-content” v-if=”dataTree & amp; & amp;dataTree.length>0″> <!– <el-collapse v-model=”activeName” accordion v-for=”(item,index) in dataTree” :key=”index”> <el-tooltip class=”item” effect=”dark” :content=”item.name” placement=”right”> <div @click=”menuClick(item)” :class=”[activeIndex === item.id ? ‘bottom-tabs-active’ : ”,’collapse-items’]” style=”line-height:30px;”> {<!– –>{ item.name }} </div> </el-tooltip> […]

Use of Android AlertDialog dialogue panel—Android development

1 AlertDialog.Builder builder=new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 2 builder.setTitle(“History”).setIcon(R.mipmap.info).setMessage(str) 3.setPositiveButton(“ok”, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 4 @Override 5 public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { 6} 7 }); 8 AlertDialog ad=builder.create(); 9 ad.show(); The result displayed by the above code is as shown in the figure. Briefly record the usage of AlertDialog: The following content is compiled from: https://blog.csdn.net/streate/article/details/90899515 1. […]

nipplejs.js joystick control panel

NippleJs is a js library for virtual joysticks. It is designed to provide interfaces for touch-enabled devices. It is often used in games and apps or web pages that can operate hardware devices. In a 3D scene built using Threejs, use nippleJs to control character walking and camera following functions. The effect is as shown […]