[C++] Non-type template parameters | array container | template specialization | why templates cannot be compiled separately

Table of Contents 1. Non-type template parameters 2. array container 3. Template specialization Why specialize templates? Function template specialization Add a question Class template specialization Full specialization and partial specialization Fully specialized partial specialization 4. Why templates cannot be compiled separately Why what to do 5. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of templates 1. Non-type […]

Spring Boot implements various parameter verifications. It is so well written. It is recommended to collect it!

Hello everyone, I am a passerby~~~ Click on the card below to follow me, java dry goods will be delivered in time I have written an article about the use of Spring Validation before, but I still feel that I am superficial. This time I plan to thoroughly understand Spring Validation. This article will introduce […]

Node.js builds web server, interface configuration, parameter format and garbled code processing

Node.js Overview Node.js is not a new programming language, nor is it a JavaScript library, but a JavaScript running environment, and it is also the second running environment for JavaScript outside of the browser. We can run all the features of ES6 on node.js without worrying about any compatibility issues. In addition to its good […]

Jmeter – 9 ways to parameterize!

Whether the jmeter tool is used for interface testing or performance testing, parameterization is a knowledge point that must be mastered and is very useful. Parameterized usage scenarios: 1) Multiple requests have the same IP address. If the server address is changed, the script needs to change the IP of each request. 2) Register an […]

Parameter verification—The gin framework uses the built-in validator

1. Description of special symbols before marking Comma (,): separate multiple verification tags. Note that there cannot be spaces between commas Horizontal dash (-): This field is not verified and skipped Vertical bar (|): Use multiple verification tags, but only one of them needs to be satisfied. required: indicates that the field must be set […]

Java Post request parameter format is XML

Method 1: public static void PostXml1(String url, String xml) throws IOException {<!– –> OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder().build(); //okhttp3.MediaType mediaType = okhttp3.MediaType.parse(“application/xml”); okhttp3.MediaType mediaType = okhttp3.MediaType.parse(“text/xml”); //RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, “<messages xmlns=”http://www.neusoft.com/hit/rhin”>\r\\ <heartbeat>\ r\\ 0\r\\ </heartbeat>\r\\ <switchset>\r\\ <authority>\r\\ <authoritytype>\r\\ 0\ \r\\ </authoritytype>\r\\ <username/>\r\\ <userpwd/>\r\\ <license/>\r\\ </authority>\ \r\\ <visitor>\r\\ <!– Caller 22-bit organization code –>\r\\ <sourceorgan>\r\\ […]

Project actual combat: Central controller implementation (4) – implement the function of RequestBody annotation – obtain request body parameters

1. DispatcherServlet package com.csdn.mymvc.core; import com.csdn.fruit.dto.Result; import com.csdn.fruit.util.RequestUtil; import com.csdn.fruit.util.ResponseUtil; import com.csdn.mymvc.annotation.RequestBody; import jakarta.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import jakarta.servlet.ServletContext; import jakarta.servlet.ServletException; import jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Parameter; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; @WebServlet(“/*”) public class DispatcherServlet extends HttpServlet { private final String BEAN_FACTORY = “beanFactory”; private final […]

Jmeter – 9 methods of parameterization

Whether the jmeter tool is used for interface testing or performance testing, parameterization is a knowledge point that must be mastered and is very useful. Parameterized usage scenarios: 1) Multiple requests have the same IP address. If the server address is changed, the script needs to change the IP of each request. 2) Register an […]