k8s persistent storage PV, PVC

Table of Contents emptyDir storage volume hostPath storage volume nfs shared storage volume PVC and PV PV creation and destruction process NFS uses PV and PVC Build StorageClass + NFS to realize dynamic PV creation of NFS The life cycle of files on the container disk is short-lived, which causes some problems when running important […]

IDEA plug-in development-persistent configuration information solution

Write a custom directory title here Configuration information persistent storage How to save configuration files Implementation plan for each method 1.PropertiesComponent: 2.PersistentStateComponent: 3.Project Settings: 4. External files: 5. Database: 6. Encrypt data: 7. Custom configuration file format: Configuration file location Project-level configuration (stored under the .idea folder): Global configuration (stored in the global configuration file […]

kubernetes cluster orchestration – k8s storage (volumes, persistent volumes, statefulset controller)

volumes emptyDir volume vim emptydir.yaml apiVersion: v1 Kind: Pod metadata: name: vol1 spec: containers: – image: busyboxplus name: vm1 command: [“sleep”, “300”] volumeMounts: – mountPath: /cache name: cache-volume – name: vm2 image: nginx volumeMounts: – mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html name: cache-volume volumes: – name: cache-volume emptyDir: medium: Memory sizeLimit: 100Mi kubectl apply -f emptydir.yaml kubectl get pod […]

PersistenceDelegate- persistent proxy class

java.beans.PersistenceDelegate – persistent proxy class, persistent delegate Official Document Original Word 1: The persistence agent can control all aspects of object persistence, including: 1. Determine whether an instance can be mutated into another instance of the same class. 2. Instantiate the object by calling a public constructor or public factory method. 3. Perform object initialization. […]

An article to understand Linux environment variables (local environment variables, global environment variables, persistent environment variables)

Article directory 0 background 1 Overview of environment variables 1.1 Global environment variables 1.2 Local environment variables 2Create environment variables 2.1 Local environment variables 2.2 Global environment variables 3 Delete environment variables 4 Set the PATH environment variable 4.1 Persistent environment variables 4.1.1 Case 1: Default login shell 4.1.2 Case 2: Interactive shell for non-login […]

localforage persistent storage solution

localForage description: localForage is a JavaScript library for offline storage in web browsers. It provides a simple API that allows developers to store and retrieve data using an asynchronous key/value store. The main goal of localForage is to provide a cross-browser, persistent storage solution so that data is preserved regardless of which browser or device […]

Internal principles of Elasticsearch sharding-near real-time search, persistent changes

Table of Contents 1. Near real-time search refresh API 2. Persistent changes flush API 1. Near real-time search With the development of per-segment search, the delay between a new document being indexed and becoming searchable has been significantly reduced. New documents can be retrieved within a few minutes, but that’s still not fast enough. The […]

k8s persistent storage data

kubernetes persistent storage data Kubernetes Volume Volume roll background emptyDir hostPath Actual mounting of NFS volume Application scenarios Mount NFS volume Persistent storagePersistantVolume introduce PVC persistent volumeClaim PersistentVolumeClaims Storage ClassStorage Class What is Storage Class Why StorageClass is needed Collaboration process of PV, PVC, StorageClass Kubernetes Volume Volume Volume The files in the container are […]

Redis persistent AOF and RDB

Why does Redis need persistence? When thinking about this problem, I think we can think about it in reverse, assuming that Redis does not support persistence, what will be the consequences. First of all, Redis is a memory-based database. Once the Redis service goes down or is restarted, the data in Redis will be lost […]