Vue video playback (Video)

1.vue2 The following properties can be customized: Video file url (src), required, default ”, supports network address https and relative address require(‘…’) Video cover url (poster), default ”, supports network address https and relative address require(‘…’) When no cover is set, the frame corresponding to the second second of the video is automatically intercepted as […]

048-Third generation software development-data playback

Third generation software development-data playback Article directory Third generation software development-data playback Project Introduction Data playback Keywords: Qt、 Qml、 Data、 play back、 data Project introduction Welcome to our QML & C++ project! This project combines the power of QML (Qt Meta-Object Language) and C++ to develop excellent user interfaces and high-performance backend logic. In the […]

Unity sound and video playback basics

chat: There are reasons why game development is more difficult than ordinary software development. First, the functional requirements of the game are diverse and the internal logic is intertwined, while the software is relatively fixed, and it is nothing more than click-to-jump and data storage. Second, the game requires a lot of 3D mathematics and […]

[Unity3d][Animation] Dynamic playback AniamtionClip player based on Playable

Article directory 0. Reasons and goals 1.Principle and demo 1.Play demo1 TestAnimationPlayer Custom playback behavior:TestAnimationBlendBehaviour 2. Play demo2 and mix in layers 2. Encapsulation Code structure 0. Reasons and goals Unity provides Animator and AnimatorController for playing animations. Among them, AnimatorController serves as the animation controller and needs to configure each animation State in advance. […]

Android GB28181 historical video and audio playback

As the GB28181 Android client, real-time video and audio on-demand is a must-support function. For the historical video and audio playback function, if it is not supported, you can copy the video file from the device and play it again. However, some scenes cannot be copied, and it is still necessary for Android to support […]

Maoer Android playback framework development practice

Overview Maoer FM is China’s largest voice content sharing platform for the post-95s generation and one of the important platforms of Bilibili. It has in-depth cooperation with top domestic voice actor studios and created hundreds of high-quality radio dramas, with a total broadcast volume of more than 10 billion times on the entire site. MEPlayer […]

Windows MCI multimedia interface implements wave/mdi/mpeg(mp3) multimedia playback

Operating system interface functions: mciSendString example: Win32Mci mci(“C:\Morning Sword Dance_Haoqing Jiuzhou.mp3”); mci.Play(); head File: #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> namespace ppp { namespace win32 { class Win32Mci final { public: enum class PlayState { Closed, Stopped, Paused, Playing, NotReady, Open, Recording, parked, Seeking, }; public: explicit Win32Mci(const std::string & amp; path); ~Win32Mci() noexcept; public: […]

onFrameRecord obtains real-time pcm audio stream and implements audio playback and uploading

Background: To realize audio recording, audio upload and playback on the mobile terminal, use the recording API provided by the native app (native h5 getUserMedia, which is limited by the app’s kernel browser and does not support the getUserMedia method, and the popular plug-ins js-audio-record and record-core Debugging is supported on PC but not on […]