Java_Inheritance and Polymorphism

Article directory Preface inherit inheritance syntax Inheritance summary super specifies access to the parent Subclass constructor super and this Let’s talk about initialization (execution sequence) again protected keyword Inheritance method final keyword Inheritance and composition Polymorphism Dynamic binding and static binding Polymorphic implementation conditions rewrite Foreword Suitable for review Inheritance Inheritance syntax Modifier class subclass […]

Questions about polymorphism in Java

Through the previous study, we know that Java is object-oriented programming, and oriented programming has three major characteristics: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Encapsulation hides the internal implementation mechanism of the class, and can change the internal structure of the class without affecting its use, while also protecting the data. Only its internal details are hidden […]

Java syntax: inheritance and polymorphism

Introduction: In Java, inheritance and polymorphism are two important concepts of object-oriented programming that allow us to create more flexible and extensible code. This article mainly introduces and explains the syntax and some details of inheritance and polymorphism. Table of Contents preface: text: 1. Inheritance 1. Basic grammar 2. Characteristics of inheritance 3. Access member […]

c++: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism

Table of Contents introduction 1. Encapsulation 1. What is packaging? 2. Why encapsulation? 3. Access control modifiers 4. Design and implementation of classes 5. Advantages of packaging 2. Inheritance 1. What is inheritance? 2. Why inherit? 2.1 Inherited permissions diagram 2.2 Single inheritance case 3. Multiple inheritance 3.1 Masonry inheritance 4. Virtual inheritance 4.1 Virtual […]

C++ polymorphism and virtual functions

Directory structure 1. Concept 1.1 Polymorphism 1.2 Virtual functions 2. Virtual function 2.1 Function 2.2 Can the destructor be a virtual function? 2.3 Can the constructor be a virtual function? 2.4 Pure virtual functions 2.5 Principle of virtual table? Where are the virtual table pointers stored? 2.6 Does a virtual function appear in the definition […]

OOP in Go – Polymorphism

Polymorphism in Go is achieved through interfaces. As we have already discussed, interfaces are implemented implicitly in Go. A type implements an interface if it provides definitions for all methods declared in the interface. Let’s see how polymorphism is achieved in Go with the help of interfaces. Polymorphism using interfaces Any type that provides definitions […]

[C++] Polymorphism ⑦ (Polymorphism mechanism implementation principle | Virtual function table concept | Virtual function table working mechanism | vptr pointer | Virtual function table runtime mechanism | Virtual function and dynamic binding)

Article directory 1. The principle of polymorphism 1. Three conditions for polymorphism to be established 2. The concept of virtual function table 3. Working mechanism of virtual function table 4. vptr pointer 5. Virtual function table runtime mechanism 6. Virtual functions and dynamic binding 2. Code example – virtual function table 1. Code example analysis […]

In-depth exploration of C++ polymorphism ① – virtual function calling link

Foreword I have benefited a lot from reading Mr. Hou Jie’s two books recently: (Translation) “In-depth Exploration of the C++ Object Model” and “C++ Virtual and Polymorphism”. To understand the working principle of polymorphism, you must understand the relationship between these knowledge points: virtual function, virtual function table, virtual function pointer, and the memory layout […]

An in-depth exploration of C++ polymorphism ② – Inheritance relationships

Foreword The previous chapter briefly described the calling link of virtual functions. This chapter mainly explores the polymorphic characteristics of class objects with various inheritance relationships in C++. In-depth exploration of C++ polymorphism ① – Virtual function call link A Deeper Exploration of C++ Polymorphism ② – Inheritance A Deeper Exploration of C++ Polymorphism ③ […]

An in-depth exploration of C++ polymorphism ③ – Virtual destructor

Foreword The first two chapters explored C++ polymorphic virtual function call links and inheritance relationships. This chapter will explore the working principle of virtual destructor. When a class object with virtual destructor polymorphism is released: A polymorphic class with an inheritance relationship will destruct the derived class first and then the base class, which is […]