Popular all over the Internet! You can use Pyecharts to create “migration charts” and “carousel charts”

1. Review of pyecharts knowledge points 1) Knowledge review We have already described how to use pyecharts to draw graphics, which involves the following four steps. Today we will follow the following steps to draw the migration chart and carousel chart. ① Select the chart type; ② Declare the graphics class and add data; ③ […]

Population mobility comprehensive data monitoring system based on Hadoop

Everyone can help like, collect, follow and comment Recommended subscription for wonderful columns: in the column below JAVA practical project Article directory JAVA practical projects 1. Project introduction 2. Development environment 3. Project display-Population flow comprehensive data monitoring system based on Hadoop 4. Code display 5. Project Summary Everyone can like, collect, follow, and leave […]

python pyqt5 3. Text editing box pop-up window search and replace, highlighting the searched string

Function: 1. Click the Open Find and Replace button to pop up the Find and Replace window. After selecting the string, the window will open and the value will be automatically searched. 2. All found results are highlighted. 3. Display the number of results found and the number currently found 4. Implement batch replacement Rendering: […]

HarmonyOS application development-video player and pop-up window

Viedo component On terminal devices such as mobile phones, tablets or smart screens, media functions can be counted as one of our most commonly used scenarios. Whether it is to implement audio playback, recording, collection, video playback, switching, looping, or camera preview, photo taking and other functions, media components are indispensable. Taking the video function […]

vue3/Amap realizes click on custom point/infoWindow custom pop-up window

<template> <div class=”app-container”> <div style=”background-color: #ffffff;”> <div id=”container”></div> </div> <div ref=”dialog” style=”position: fixed;”> <div class=”dialog”> <div class=”dialog-title”><span>Pressure Gauge</span> <img @click=”closeInfoWindow” src=”../assets/images/Delete (17).png” alt=”” srcset=””> </div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”dialog-item”><span>Monitoring situation</span> <span>Pressure is normal</span></div> <div class=”detail”>View details</div> </div> <div class=”dialog1″> […]

python selenium clicks a series of buttons in the table and outputs the pop-up content to csv

A practical example of python selenium, heavier than the demo, but not too complicated. The trick is summarized as follows: The address of the latest chromedriver is https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing. This is very important, otherwise you will have to deal with annoying problems such as automatic chrome updates. Many download sources are a bit outdated. Use options […]

vue integrates Gaode map, click the icon, the van-action-sheet pops up, and explore the issues in a flash

Code <van-action-sheet v-model=”sheetShow” title=””> <div class=”van-list-vol”> <van-col span=”3″> <div> <van-image style=”height: 40px; width: 40px” round :src=” hospital.orgUrl ? hospital.orgUrl : require(‘@/assets/images/icon/search_hospital.png’) ” /> </div> </van-col> <van-col span=”21″ style=”margin-bottom: 10px”> <div style=”display: flex; margin-bottom: 10px”> <h3 style=”margin: 0; padding: 0; flex-grow: 2″> <span>{<!– –>{ hospital.orgName }}</span> </h3> </div> <div> <label class=”radius-blue” v-if=”hospital.orgLevel”> {<!– –>{ lev[hospital.orgLevel] }}{<!– […]

Probably the most popular third-party open source testing framework in Python, pytest!

1. Introduction This article is the third in “Let’s talk about Python’s unit testing framework”. The first two articles introduced the standard library unittest and the third-party unit testing framework nose respectively. As the last article in this series, the finale is the most popular third-party unit testing framework in the Python world: pytest. It […]

el-table sets a fixed width pop-up box

<template #default=”scope”> <el-tooltip effect=”dark” placement=”top”> <template #content> <div class=”set-popper”>{<!– –>{<!– –>scope.row.content}}</div> </template> <div class=”set-content”>{<!– –>{<!– –> scope.row.content }}</div> </el-tooltip> </template> <style lang=”scss” scoped> .set-popper {<!– –> max-width: 500px; } .set-content {<!– –> overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } </style> Case: <template> <div class=”app-container”> <el-row :gutter=”10″ class=”mb8″> <el-col :span=”1.5″> <el-button type=”primary” plain size=”mini” @click=”handleAdd” v-hasPermi=”[‘business:servermsg:add’]” […]

[C++ rewriting the bottom layer of Skynet 03] skynet actual combat—insertion and pop-up of global message queue, imitating skynet sending messages, message transmission and message processing between services

Directory of series articles [C++ Rewriting Skynet Bottom Layer 01] Skynet Practical Combat-sunnet basic framework, create, open, wait for thread exit methods, imitate skynet to write message classes [C++ Rewrite Skynet Bottom Layer 02] Skynet Practical Combat-Imitating Skynet to write service classes, object management under multi-threading, spin lock mutex program writing, hash table management objects, […]