HarmonyOS application development-preferences and background notification management

Preferences Today, as the mobile Internet is booming, mobile applications have brought great convenience to our lives. The essence of these conveniences lies in the interconnection of data. Therefore, data storage plays a very important role in application development, and HarmonyOS application development is no exception. This chapter takes the preferences of HarmonyOS as an […]

USB Preferences-Android13

USB Preferences 1. USB preference setting interface and entrance 2. USB function settings 2.1 USB function corresponding mode 2.2 Click Settings 2.3 Broadcast monitoring refresh 3. Log switch 3.1 Evet log 3.2 Log switch in code 3.3 Key logs 4. Abnormal 1. USB preference interface and entrance Settings>Connected devices>USB packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/connecteddevice/usb/UsbDetailsFragment.java packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/usb_details_fragment.xml private static List<UsbDetailsController> createControllerList(Context […]

Android-SharedPreferences detailed usage

Directory SharedPreferences 1. Introduction 2. Understand 1 data storage 2 Data reading 3 common methods 3.1 getSharedPreferences() 3.2 edit() 3.4 remove() remove data 3.5 clear() clears data 3.6 commit() submits and saves data 3. Basic use 1 an example 4. Monitoring 5. Performance analysis 6. Points of attention during use 1 Get the SharedPreferences object […]

Use of PreferenceKey/preference key, GeometryPreferenceKey/geometry view preference key, ScrollViewOffsetPreferenceKey/scroll view offset preference key

1. Basic use of PreferenceKey preference key 1.1 Create a basic usage view of the preference key PreferenceKeyBootcamp.swift import SwiftUI /// Preferences/Preferences key struct PreferenceKeyBootcamp: View { @State private var text: String = “Hello, world!” var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { SecondaryScreen(text: text) .navigationTitle(“Navigation Title”) } } .onPreferenceChange(CustomTitlePreferenceKey.self) { value in if […]

Android source code analysis: Analysis of SharedPreferences

Android source code analysis: Analysis of SharedPreferences Introduction SharedPreferences is a lightweight data persistence method in Android. It may also be the first special local data persistence method we come into contact with when learning Android. This article will analyze the principle of SharedPreferences from the source code perspective. Source code analysis Generally we use […]

Human preference score: better aligning text-to-image models with human preference

This article proposes a human preference data set, and has a HPS evaluation score for the output image, but the core is to allow HPS to be input into SD as a dimension, so that the generated images can better align with human preferences. 1.abstract A human preference data set on generated images was collected […]

Android preference PreferenceFragmentCompat Jetpack DataStore

Jetpack series of articles Chapter 1 “Jetpack Lifecycle for Android front-end and back-end switching detection” Chapter 2 “Jetpack DataStore of Android PreferenceFragmentCompat” This is a series of Jetpack articles, and there are still many that I don’t have time to write. Anyway, I will record a few if I have time. If you have any […]

SharedPreferences stores small amounts of application configuration data

SharedPreferences are a simple way in Android to store small amounts of application configuration data. SharedPreferences is a mechanism for lightweight data storage on the Android platform. It provides simple methods to save and get basic types of data, such as boolean, float, int, long and string. Note: SharedPreferences does not support storing large amounts […]

Reflection to modify other APP SharedPreferences data

Reflection to modify other APP SharedPreferences data Prerequisites Available codes Prerequisite The device is rooted, otherwise the data/data directory cannot be accessed Problem symptoms: HIE_Find(com.estrongs.android.pop) APP can directly open the usb storage device, but the usb device node name changes after each plug and unplug, and the last opened path will always be remembered when […]

Clustering Algorithm_Case: Exploring Users’ Preference Segmentation of Item Categories

Directory Target: Import module retrieve data View data Basic data processing Merge tables Crosstab merge Feature Engineering – pca Machine learning (k-means) Goal: PCA and K-means should be used to achieve segmentation of user preferences for item categories. Import module import pandas as pd from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.metrics import […]