Skywalking process analysis_1 (main process analysis)

Foreword skywalking As the most commonly used APM monitoring at present, its importance is indescribable. I have also made many customized transformations for the company’s business. Its internal principle design is very clever, especially the custom agentClassLoader class. The loading part is even more worthy of learning from this idea. This series analyzes the internal […]

SparkSQL’s Analyzed LogicalPlan generation process

After AstBuilder processing, the Unresolved LogicalPlan was obtained. There are two objects that have not been resolved in the logical operator tree: UnresolvedRelation and UnresolvedAttribute. The main role of the Analyzer is to parse these two nodes or expressions into typed objects. In this process, Catalog related information is needed. Because it inherits from the […]

[Linux] Stop 16: Process Address Space

Article directory 1. Program address space 1. Memory distribution 2. Why is it not released after static modification? 3. A strange phenomenon 2. Process address space 1. The reason for the previous phenomenon 2. What exactly is an address space? 3. Why is there a process address space? 4.Page table 5. What is process? 6. […]

“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers|Building a streaming media server with “weak” image processing functions

Authorization statement: This article authorizes the official Amazon Cloud Technology article to forward and rewrite the rights, including but not limited to Amazon Cloud Technology official channels such as Developer Centre, Zhihu, self-media platforms, third-party developer media, etc. This article is based on the following software and hardware tools: +awsec2 + frp-0.52.3 + mediamtx-1.3.0 + […]

Four process scheduling algorithms for operating systems (c language)

Table of Contents FCFS SJF HPF RR FCFS FCFS (First-Come, First-Served) scheduling algorithm is the simplest process scheduling algorithm, also known as first-come, first-served algorithm. In this algorithm, processes are executed in the order in which they arrive on the ready queue, that is, processes that arrive first are executed first, and processes that arrive […]

Data processing files mutual conversion

Data processing The main ones organized here are .txt, .json, .csv, .excel, .pkl Data storage and conversion between files 1. txt part 1.1 List[dict] conversion to txt specific code def save_jsonlist_txt(json_data, target_path): “”” Save json list to txt file “”” with open(target_path, “w”, encoding=”utf-8″) as file: for item in json_data: item = str(item).replace(“\ “, “\\ […]

Explosive performance! Python multi-process mode implements multi-core CPU parallel computing

Article directory Preface 1. Multi-process mode in Python 2. Methods to improve program execution efficiency 1. Multiple processes execute tasks concurrently 2. Process pool 3.Message queue 4. Shared memory 5.Asynchronous IO Summarize About Python technical reserves 1. Learning routes in all directions of Python 2. Python basic learning video 3. Excellent Python learning books 4. […]

Python Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Intelligent Signal Processing

1. Background Introduction At present, artificial intelligence technology has entered the field of automation and achieved remarkable results. It has made breakthrough progress in the fields of image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing and other fields, but it has not received such attention in the field of signal processing. For digital signal processing, many […]

Matinal: Analysis of the whole process of SAP ABAP publishing HTTP RestFul service (5)

1. Background introduction RESTful is a design style and development method for web applications. REST is the abbreviation of Representational State Transfer, and the Chinese translation is “representational state transfer”. It may not be easy to understand REST from the definition alone. For students who have just come into contact with this concept, REST can […]