Pytorch loss function, backpropagation and optimizer, Sequential use

Pytorch_Sequential usage, loss function, backpropagation and optimizer Article directory nn.Sequential Build a small practice Loss function and backpropagation optimizer nn.Sequential nn.Sequential is an ordered container. The modules used to build neural networks are added to the nn.Sequential() container in the order in which is passed into the constructor. import torch.nn as nn from collections import […]

Series 42: Spring transaction propagation behavior case demonstration (2) #REQUIRED

1. Demonstrate Spring’s default propagation behavior (REQUIRED) 1.1. Data in the table before running 1.2, StockServiceImplREQUIRED /** * @Author: A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea * @Date: 2023/10/30 15:43 * @Description: Demonstrates the propagation behavior of REQUIRED * There is no external transaction: open a new transaction * External existing transaction: added to […]

Spring transactions and transaction propagation mechanism

Table of Contents 1: Implementation of transactions in Spring 2: Spring transaction operation 2.1: Spring programmatic implementation of transactions 2.1.1:User table 2.1.2: Methods declared by the Mapper interface 2.1.3:Service layer 2.1.4:Controller layer 2.2: Spring declarative transactions (automatic) 2.2.1: Implementation case 2.2.2: @Transactional Notes Three: Transaction isolation level 3.1: Atomicity 3.2: Consistency 3.3: Persistence 3.4: Isolation […]

Implementation of propagation characteristics of spring thing source code reading

The Spring transaction propagation feature refers to how transactions are managed between multiple transaction operations. The Spring framework provides different transaction propagation features for defining transaction boundaries and isolation levels. Let’s first review what types of spring transaction propagation there are Propagation type PROPAGATION_REQUIRED (default): If a transaction currently exists, join the transaction; if there […]

PyTorch example: training and backpropagation analysis of simple linear regression

Article directory introduction What is backpropagation? Implementation of backpropagation (code) Application of back propagation in deep learning Chain derivation rule Summarize Introduction In neural networks, the backpropagation algorithm is a key concept that plays a vital role in training neural networks. This article will deeply explore the principle, implementation and application of backpropagation algorithm in […]

[SpringBoot Practice] Transaction and transaction propagation mechanism & failure reasons & suggestions for correct use of transactions

Article directory 1 Overview 2. Affairs and transaction communication 2.1 Declarative transaction description 2.2. Reasons for the failure of declarative transactions 2.3.Transaction mechanism 2.4. Reasons for transaction propagation failure 3. Suggestions on transaction usage 4. Summary 1. Overview We often use transactions in our development work to ensure data consistency when adding, deleting, and modifying […]

Experiment 1 Estimation of mobile channel propagation model (Hata-Okumura model)

1. Experimental purpose 1. Be familiar with the MATLAB program editing and development environment, and master the specific methods of using this software to solve mobile communication problems; 2. Master the basic knowledge of radio wave propagation loss calculation; 3. Master the use of Hata-Okumura model prediction methods to implement wireless propagation loss prediction systems […]

Propagation behavior and isolation of spring things

About the @Transactional annotation: Add transaction annotation1. Use propagation to specify the propagation behavior of the transaction, that is, when the current transaction method is called by another transaction methodHow to use transactions, the default value is REQUIRED, that is, use the transaction that calls the methodREQUIRES_NEW: The transaction’s own transaction, the transaction of the […]

Analysis of transaction isolation level and propagation mechanism in MySQL

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction In a relational database, a transaction is a logical unit of work used to complete a function performed by the database management system (DBMS). It includes one or more SQL statements or stored procedures and other operation sequences, either all succeed or all fail. Therefore, […]