Pyqt5 dynamic startup interface

This article will introduce a Python program built using the PyQt5 library, which is mainly used to display the startup interface, connect to services in the background, and display the connection status. The program includes a startup interface, background data loading worker thread, and main interface. It achieves a smooth user experience by using the […]

python pyqt5 3. Text editing box pop-up window search and replace, highlighting the searched string

Function: 1. Click the Open Find and Replace button to pop up the Find and Replace window. After selecting the string, the window will open and the value will be automatically searched. 2. All found results are highlighted. 3. Display the number of results found and the number currently found 4. Implement batch replacement Rendering: […]

QT program runs slower than python PyQt5? , or the reason is QT Creator

This is a thread that pastes data into QPlainTextEdit Prepare data: 7+ million characters python code import time from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QMutex, QThread from collections import defaultdict from typing import Union from re import findall, sub from PublicSourceSection.PublicRecordLogger.Logger import LoggerRecord class ToolsStickForData(QThread): stick_process = pyqtSignal(int) stick_value = pyqtSignal(str) stick_state = pyqtSignal(bool) stick_mutex = QMutex() […]

[PyQt5] Open Excel, CSV, convert tableWidget to dataframe, add options to listWidget, for loop list derivation–list/dict # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file ‘untitled.ui’ # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.9 # # WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is # run again. Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. […]

Analysis and solution of PyQt5 playing video with transparent channel

Analysis and solutions on using PyQt5 to play videos with transparent channels: Recently, when I was practicing on the PyQt5 project, I encountered the problem of playing a transparent channel background video. After searching for a long time on the Internet to no avail, I finally solved the problem by myself. The solution was quite […]

Super complete! Python graphical interface framework PyQt5 usage guide!

Super complete! Python graphical interface framework PyQt5 usage guide! Preface 1. Common GUI frameworks 2. Introduction to PyQt5 3. Installation of PyQt5 4. Qt Designer configuration 5. PyQt5 actual combat Foreword There are actually not many softwares that use Python to develop graphical interfaces. Compared with GUI interfaces, Web applications may be more popular. But […]

Solve ModuleNotFoundError: No module named PyQt5.sip

Table of Contents Solving ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘PyQt5.sip’ Problem Description problem causes Solution Method 1: Install the sip module of PyQt5 Method 2: Uninstall and reinstall PyQt5 Method 3: Check the Python environment and path Method 4: Update PyQt5 version Method 5: Check dependent libraries in conclusion Solution to ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘PyQt5.sip’ […]

Create a picture viewer application using PyQt5

Create an image viewer application using PyQt5 Author: Quiet to Silent Personal Homepage In this tutorial, we will create a simple image viewer application using the PyQt5 library. This application displays a series of images and allows users to switch and jump to different images with buttons. 1. Preparation First, we need to install the […]