Decompress zip, tar, rar, 7z, extract pictures in tif, pdf

1. Decompression interface public interface Decompress { //curFilePreDir, if the compressed package in the compressed package has the same name as the outer folder or file, problems will occur. Adding the directory prefix of the upper layer can avoid it. public<MulpartFile> decompress(File file, String curFilePredir); } 2. The decompression class implements the Decompress interface public […]

Call opencv library programming to display pictures and student ID names under Ubuntu

Article directory 1. Principle of Chinese character dot matrix font library (1), Chinese character encoding 1. Location code 2. Internal code (2) Dot matrix font structure 1. Bitmap font storage 2. 16*16 dot matrix font library 3. 1414 and 1212 dot matrix fonts (3). Acquisition of Chinese character lattice 1. Use location code to obtain […]

Call opencv library programming under Ubuntu to display a picture and display characters

? 1. Internal code, location code encoding rules and glyph data storage format of Chinese characters The in-machine code, location code encoding rules and glyph data storage format of Chinese characters are concepts related to Chinese character information processing. Here is a brief description: 1. Internal code: Internal code is the binary encoding used internally […]

A “flyweight” C language coroutine library

Coroutine, as its name implies, is “co-operative routines”. Unlike threads with operating system concepts, coroutines are programming techniques that can achieve logical multitasking in user space by using the syntax and semantics of programming languages. In fact, the concept of coroutine is earlier than thread. According to Knuth, “Subroutine is a special case of coroutine”. […]

JavaScript Library: jQuery, Simplified Programming

jQueryIntroduction Official website: jQuery is a JavaScript Library . greatly simplified JavaScript Programming, for example JS Dozens of lines of native code to achieve the function able, jQuery It may be implemented in one or two lines, so it is widely used by front-end programmers. (Now in a relatively marginal state) Since its development, […]

[vs+qt] Use the VTK library to read the STL model and display the STL model on the QT interface

Article directory summary Show results Implementation steps Code summary summary Summary To use the complete interface, click the button to select the file, read the stl three-dimensional model, and display the model on the qvtkWidget control. Effect display 1.Select the file address 2. Interface window display Implementation steps 1. Click the Open File button, select […]

Solution to “Python3.12pip network installation library file error, ssl module is unavailable”

Solution to “Python3.12pip network installation library file error, ssl module is unavailable” 1. Install the new version of openssl3.1.4 2. Install Python3.12.0 The Python version needs to match the openssl version. In versions after Python 3.7, the dependent openssl must be a version after 1.1.1 or 1.0.2, and the openssl1.0.2k installed in CentOS7 cannot meet […]