Transactions and locking mechanisms in Redis

Transaction and lock mechanism in Redis Redis’s transaction mechanism is a mechanism that packages multiple commands for execution, ensuring that all of these commands either execute successfully or fail without any intermediate status. In Redis, transactions are implemented through four commands: MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD and WATCH. MULTI: This command marks the beginning of a transaction. […]

Nodejs operation cache database-Redis

Hi I’m Shendi Nodejs column Nodejs operation cache database-Redis In server-side development, cache database is also indispensable, which can improve program concurrency and facilitate subsequent expansion. Currently, the most commonly used one is Redis. Install dependencies Like the previous mysql, the most commonly used dependency of redis is redis npm install redis Depend on the […]

Docker install Redis

Pull the Redis image docker search redis Pull Redis docker pull redis View pull results docker images -a Create REDIS container View redis image details docker inspect redis Find redis version docker inspect redis –format='{<!– –>{json .Config.Env}}’ #View REDIS_VERSION REDIS_VERSION: [“PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin”,”GOSU_VERSION=1.16″,”REDIS_VERSION=7.2 .2″,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL=”,”REDIS_DOWNLOAD_SHA=ca999be08800edc6d265379c4c7aafad92f0ee400692e4e2d69829ab4b4c3d08″] Create redis configuration file Official website download configuration file cannot access the […]

redis Error in execution

Background When running a certain system, the test class stores a certain value into redis and then takes it out. 1. Problems encountered Error reported: Error in execution; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify […]

Springboot2.x integrated lettuce connection redis cluster reports timeout exception Command timed out after 6 second(s)

Original/Zhu Jiqian Background: Recently, I was doing a stress test on a newly developed Springboot system. I found that when I first started the stress test, I could access data from the redis cluster normally. However, after a few minutes of pause, and then when I continued to use jmeter to perform the stress test, […]

[scray_redis distributed crawling case] — 17k novel

Note: These are only my personal case notes! ! ! No other guidance 1. Requirement Description_Web Page Analysis_Preparation 1.1 Requirements Description Website: [Boys_Novel Classification_Complete Novel Classification_Free Novel Classification-17K Novel Network] Requirements: Open the homepage—->Select: Category—->Select: Completed, only view free Get the name, chapter name, and chapter url of the book This is temporarily called the […]

Docker installation of mysql, redis, rabbitmq, es, nacos under Liunx

1. Environment preparation Note: Ignore if related tools have already been installed. 1Install JAVA operating environment Step 1: Upload or download the installation package cd /usr/local jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 2: Unzip the installation package tar -zxvf jdk-8u152-linux-x64.tar.gz Step 3: Establish a soft connection ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_152/ /usr/local/jdk Step 4: Modify environment variables vim /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk […]