Compiled version problem androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources reference error

According to the content of the error message, it can be seen that this error is caused by the androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources version in your project’s dependent library being incompatible with your compileSdkVersion. The error message shows that the minimum compilation version (minCompileSdk) specified in the AAR metadata file of the dependent library androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources is 33, and […]

MySQL: Grammar Quick Reference [Continuously updated…]

1. Define basic tables 1. Commonly used integrity constraints Primary code constraints primary key foreign key constraints foreign key uniqueness constraint unique non-nullity constraint not null value constraints check 2. Example questions [Example 1] Create a “student” table Student, which consists of five attributes: student number Sno, name Sname, gender Ssex, age Sage, and department […]

HarmonyOS application development-preferences and background notification management

Preferences Today, as the mobile Internet is booming, mobile applications have brought great convenience to our lives. The essence of these conveniences lies in the interconnection of data. Therefore, data storage plays a very important role in application development, and HarmonyOS application development is no exception. This chapter takes the preferences of HarmonyOS as an […]

USB Preferences-Android13

USB Preferences 1. USB preference setting interface and entrance 2. USB function settings 2.1 USB function corresponding mode 2.2 Click Settings 2.3 Broadcast monitoring refresh 3. Log switch 3.1 Evet log 3.2 Log switch in code 3.3 Key logs 4. Abnormal 1. USB preference interface and entrance Settings>Connected devices>USB packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/connecteddevice/usb/ packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/usb_details_fragment.xml private static List<UsbDetailsController> createControllerList(Context […]

JVM source code analysis: processing details of soft, weak and virtual references

Table of Contents Write in front: Source code analysis: Java level: JVM level: Danger points of use: Summarize: Version Information: jdk version: jdk8u40 Garbage collector: Serial new/old Write in front: Different garbage collectors have different algorithms and different efficiencies. The default is ParallelScavenge new/old in JDK8. The author used Serial new/old when writing the article. […]

Linux driver HC_SR04 distance sensor usage reference and simple notes

Foreword HC_SR04 This distance sensor interface is relatively simple. Simply implement a driver as a learning example. Driver file #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/unistd.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/cdev.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <mach/platform.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/timer.h> #include <linux/wait.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/sched.h> […]

python socket programming 1 – socket creation parameter description and reference specifications

Write a custom directory title here 1. Creation of socket 1. Usage examples 2. Source code 2. Parameter description 1. The value of python 3.8 family 2. The value of python 3.8 type 3. The value of python 3.8 proto, this value is called `Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers` 3. Reference materials 1. Creation of socket […]

SLAM Lecture 14 ch7 compilation error undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)

[ 66%] Linking CXX executable pose_estimation_3d3d /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::width_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0xe): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::precision_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0x2e): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `VertexPose::oplusImpl(double const*)’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text._ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd[_ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd] + 0xa9b): […]

Java–》4 kinds of references: strong and weak

Recommended links: Summary–》[Java] Summary–》[Mysql] Summary–》【Redis】 Summary–》[Kafka] Summary–》[Spring] Summary–》[SpringBoot] Summary–》[MyBatis, MyBatis-Plus] Summary–》[Linux] Summary–》[MongoDB] Summary–》[Elasticsearch] Java–》4 kinds of references: strong and weak 1. NormalReference = Strong = Normal = Default 2. SoftReference = soft 3. WeakReference = weak 4. PhantomReference = virtual 5. The difference between the four types of citations 1. Writing method 2. Recycling mechanism […]

Android-SharedPreferences detailed usage

Directory SharedPreferences 1. Introduction 2. Understand 1 data storage 2 Data reading 3 common methods 3.1 getSharedPreferences() 3.2 edit() 3.4 remove() remove data 3.5 clear() clears data 3.6 commit() submits and saves data 3. Basic use 1 an example 4. Monitoring 5. Performance analysis 6. Points of attention during use 1 Get the SharedPreferences object […]