AssetManager resource management and release of cocosCreator

Version: 3.4.0 Language: TypeScript Environment: Mac Review There are two previous blogs that explain: cocosCreator’s resources dynamic loading and preloading tells about static reference resources, dynamic loading and preloading. cocosCreator’s Bundle talks about the use of AssetManager’s built-in Bundles and custom Bundles The simple understanding is related to the use of static and dynamic reference […]

k8s’s Init Containers container implements code version upgrade release and deployment version rollback: practical operation version

Initialization containers in Pod: Init Containers Theoretical premise of initContainers implementation: Containers in the same Pod share network, volume and other resources Init Containers In Kubernetes, an init container is a container that is started and executed before other containers in the same Pod. Its purpose is to perform initialization logic for the main application […]

5.RabbitMQ release confirmation advanced

5 Release Confirmation Advanced Due to some unknown reasons in the production environment, rabbitMQ restarted. During the restart of RabbitMQ, the producer failed to deliver messages, resulting in message loss, which required manual processing and reply. So we tried to think about how to achieve reliable delivery of RabbitMQ. Especially in extreme situations. When the […]

OpenHarmony 4.0 Release compilation exception handling

1. Environment configuration Compilation environment: Ubuntu 20.04 OpenHarmony software version: 4.0 Release Equipment platform: rk3568 2. Drop-down code Refer to the official website for steps: OpenHarmony 4.0 Release source code acquisition repo init -u -b OpenHarmony-4.0-Release –no-repo-verify repo sync -c repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’ 3. Compile code Refer to the official website […]

MyBatis paging plug-in PageHelper 6.0.0 released

6.0.0 – 2023-11-05 Based on jdk8 adaptation, jdk6 and 7 are not supported starting from 6.0. If necessary, you can use version 5.x Add asynchronous count support, global configuration asyncCount, default false, single setting: PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).enableAsyncCount(); Asynchronous query uses independent connection (transaction). It is not suitable to enable asynchronous query when there are additions, deletions […]

Google visual language model PaLI-3 is released, with only 5B parameters, smaller, faster and stronger

Source: Heart of the Machine This article is about 3,000 words, it is recommended to read for 5 minutes This article introduces the Google visual language model PaLi-3. In the field of large multi-modal (visual language) models, while fighting for parameters to win performance, pursuing smaller parameters, faster speed, and stronger performance is another research […]

Deep Neural Networks – Convert TensorFlow Classification Model and Release with OpenCV Python OpenCV v4.8.0

Original author Anastasia Murzova Compatibility OpenCV >= 4.5 Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Get a frozen graph of a TensorFlow (TF) classification model Run the converted TensorFlow model using the OpenCV Python API Get evaluation results for TensorFlow and OpenCV DNN models We will discuss the above points using the MobileNet […]

Opening new doors for .NET: OpenVINO.NET open source project newly released

Preface Today, as AI applications become more and more widespread, optimizing deep learning models and deploying them for inference has become a necessary technology. The OpenVINO toolkit (Open Visual Inference and Neural network Optimization) developed by Intel is such a powerful tool. As an open source toolkit, OpenVINO provides developers with powerful deep learning model […]

Vue3 + Vite package and release to npm process

Article directory 1. Preparation work 2. Initialization project 2.1 Initialization: 2.2 Create typescript configuration 2.3 Install Vue3 and Vite 2.4 Directory structure 3. Write code 3.1 Logical file code 3.2 Declaration file code 4. Configure Vite 5. Configuration commands 5.1 Write packaging commands 5.2 Packaging components 6. Release 6.1 Register an account (first time use) […]