Briefly understand the responsiveness principle of Vue2

Students who use Vue as a front-end development technology stack will have some curiosity when using Vue: Why do our responsive variables need to be defined in data? How does Vue monitor changes and implement responsiveness? This time we will explore the responsiveness principle of Vue2. Object responsiveness Modify attribute description to implement responsiveness First, […]

Vue responsiveness principle and essence – realizing a complete responsive system

Article directory Preface Responsive The nature of responsiveness Basic implementation and working principle Perfect responsiveness Foreword The code idea of this article comes from the Vue3.0 source code, and part of the understanding comes from the book “Vue.js Design and Implementation” by Huo Chunyang. Interested friends can buy and read it by themselves. You can […]

vue2 vs vue3 — the difference between responsive objects, in vue2 through Object.defineproperty, in Vue3 ref (Object.defineproperty) reactive (proxy)

vue2 vs vue3 series of articles You can browse the Vue column on the blog homepage. Related articles will be added one after another. If you have any problems or areas that can be optimized, please let me know. Make progress together 🙂 Article directory vue2 vs vue3 series of articles Responsiveness of vue2.x Implementation […]

Water-based: Revealing the secrets of CSS responsive interface design, making content flexible and free, just like the changes of water

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. What is 2. Implementation method Media inquiries percentage vw/vh rem summary 3. Summary ?Write at the end ? Column Introduction Welcome to the […]

The perfect fit between data and view: the intertwined charm of Vue’s responsiveness

Front-end development engineer (main job), technical blogger (side job), passed CET6 Ashan and her cat_CSDN personal homepage Senior topic writer at Niuke, creating a high-quality column “Essentials for Front-end Interviews” at Niuke The contracted author of Lanqiao Cloud Class, the front-end and back-end practical courses “Vue.js and Egg.js Develop Enterprise-level Health Management Projects” and “Take […]

vue3 responsive objects: ref and reactive

ref() <template> <button @click=”changeMsg”>Change message</button> <div>{<!– –>{ msg }}</div> <div>{<!– –>{ man }}</div> </template> <script lang=”ts”> import { defineComponent,ref,Ref } from ‘vue’ export default defineComponent({ setup() { let msg: Ref<string> = ref(“Hello”) let man = ref({name:”wj”}) const changeMsg = () => { msg.value = “I’m okay” console.log(msg); = “hhhh” console.log(man); } return { msg, […]

Implementation principle of Vue responsive data (storage and execution process of handwritten side effect functions)

1. Imperative and declarative frameworks Imperative frameworks focus on process The declarative framework focuses on results (the bottom layer encapsulates imperative DOM acquisition and modification) 2.vue2 Object.defineProperty() implementation of two-way binding <body> <div id=”app”> <input type=”text” /> <h1></h1> <button>Button</button> </div> </body> <script> // vue2 implements double binding const input = document.getElementsByTagName(‘input’)[0] const h1 = document.getElementsByTagName(‘h1’)[0] […]

SpringBoot and Elasticsearch are perfectly integrated, and WebFlux responsive programming is implemented

【Part 1】Install the new version of Elasticsearch(8.8.0)andKibana(8.8.0) The original text was published in: Practical combat: Perfect integration of Spring Boot and Elasticsearch, WebFlux responsive programming implementation [1], welcome to use RSS subscription [2] to get the latest updates. 1. Preface The article contains the following content: Install new versions ofElasticsearch(8.8.0)andKibana(8.8.0) SpringBoot integrates Elasticsearch CRUD and […]