8 Reverse engineering of Mybatis

Forward engineering: First create Java entity classes, and the framework is responsible for generating database tables based on the entity classes. Hibernate supports forward engineering Reverse engineering: create a database table, and the framework is responsible for reversely generating the following resources based on the database table java entity class Mapper interface Mapper mapping file […]


AndroDbgMe Use JEB to open (jadx opens with garbled characters), the main logic is as follows: The application will detect whether it is a debugging environment. If it is a debugging environment, it will output a fixed value s1, s2 is fixed, and perform RC4 encryption. If it is not debugging, input will be used […]

JS reverse engineering of mainstream websites (with source code attached) [11.8 has been updated for a certain travel website]

Foreword Continuously updated long articles, the source code will be synchronized in my PythonSpider project in github Source code click here The main purpose of writing articles is to record the learning process. It would be best if it is helpful to everyone. Friends who want to follow can follow me This article will tackle […]

Python implements JS reverse decryption to collect website data

Hi~ Hello everyone, this is the Demon King? ~! For more python source code/information/answers/tutorials, etc. Click here to jump to the end of the article and get the business card for free. Environment usage: Python 3.8 Pycharm nodejs Module usage: import requests –> pip install requests import execjs –> pip install pyexecjs import json Implementing […]

list.stream().sorted() Java8 Stream’s sorted() sorting. Forward order, reverse order, multi-field sorting

For collection sorting, java8 can use sorted() of the Stream stream for sorting. ExampleBeans We will use this Bean as an example below. public class Order {<!– –> private String weight; private Double price; private String dateStr; //Ignore getter, setter, constructor, toString } Field sorting The first is the comparator Comparator, which has the following […]

Docker configure Nginx reverse proxy

Article directory 1. Deploy the microprogram into docker 1.1 dockerfile 1.2 Create docker image based on customized dockerfile 1.3 Create container 1.4 Testing 2. Install Nginx in docker 2.1 Install Nginx image 2.2 Obtain the Nginx configuration file and synchronize it to the specified location on the host computer Install nginx container Delete nginx container […]

BUUCTF reverse question Youngter-drive

1. Tools 1.IDA 2. UPX shelling tool 2. Problem-solving ideas Loading IDA found that UPX was used Just use unpacking software to unpack, and then load IDA after unpacking. I found that there is nothing critical in the start and _main functions, so continue to look for it. Finally, I found that this function is […]

Latest 2023Super detailed! ! ! New Business Alliance cigarette js reverse version_including verification code error problem

Article directory Preface 1 Capture packet 2 Search for encrypted fields 3 Breakpoint debugging 4 js deduction code restoration 5 Crack the verification code 5 Selenium gets cookies 6 Complete code display Foreword New business alliance cigarette password js reverse Password encryption is easy to solve, but if you request multiple times, there will be […]

The 28byj48 stepper motor is controlled by the 51 microcontroller to rotate forward and reverse according to the angle.

1. Preface This project is based on the STC89C52 microcontroller and realizes the function of forward and reverse rotation according to the angle by controlling the 28BYJ-48 stepper motor. 28BYJ-48 stepper motor is a commonly used motor with precise positioning and high torque output, suitable for many small automation systems and mechanical devices. In this […]