Byte’s 10 years of experience – developing an automated testing framework from 0 to 1!

1. Preface With the rapid iteration of project versions, APP testing has the following characteristics: First of all, there are many and detailed function points, the testing workload is large, and it is easy to miss; Secondly, code modules are often changed, regression testing is frequent, and testing is repeated and inefficient; Finally, the data […]

Starting from docker v0.1.0

Starting from docker v0.1.0 Overview of this article This article tells the author’s mental journey in the process of learning docker. I first got to know docker from the overall framework of docker, then started reading the v0.1.0 version of the docker source code, and then followed the tutorial to implement a mini docker using […]

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from

Table of Contents org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple Abnormal background solution in conclusion org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple When performing Hibernate-based data query, you may encounter an exception similar to ??org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class??, especially when using DTO (Data Transfer Object) from When mapping data in query results. […]

Monitoring tool: Prometheus monitoring middleware (Nginx, Redis, MySql, etc.)

Our products currently use middleware such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySql, etc. This article introduces how to use Promtheus to monitor these middleware. There is a picture in “Monitoring Tool: Introduction and Installation of Prometheus” that shows the data trend of Prometheus, as follows: As can be seen from the figure, the first step in […]

A front-end performance optimization – performance score from 56 to 96

Big factory technology advanced front-end Node advanced Click above for Programmer Growth Guide and follow the official account Reply 1, join the advanced Node communication group Author:NewName I recently read an article on front-end performance optimization. I had never done any performance optimization before, so I just studied it. If you want to optimize […]

[Go language]SSTI from 0 to 1

[Go language]SSTI from 0 to 1 1.Go-web basics and examples 2.Parameter processing 3. Template engine 3.1 text/template 3.2 SSTI 4.[LineCTF2022]gotm 1. Question source code 2.WP 1.Go-web basics and examples package main import ( “fmt” “net/http” ) func sayHello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {<!– –> // Define a fmt.Fprintln(w, “hello world!”) } func main() {<!– –> http.HandleFunc(“/hello”, […]

Generative AI – Knowledge Graph Prompting: A multi-document question answering method based on large models

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) tasks. They change the way we interact with and process text data. These powerful AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, have changed the way human-like text is understood and generated, leading to numerous breakthrough applications across a variety of industries. LangChain is an open source […]

Explore synchronous and asynchronous, Ajax, callback functions, Promise

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Ajax 1. The concept of asynchronous and synchronized 2. Why is it said that synchronous requests will “reload the entire page”, while asynchronous requests “will only load part of the page”. What does this mean? 3. Functions and advantages of Ajax Function Advantage 4.Why is Ajax called asynchronous javascript […]

Classic OJ questions about linked lists (palindromic structure of linked lists, linked lists with rings, deep copies of linked lists)

Table of Contents Preface 1. Reverse a singly linked list. 2. Given a non-empty singly linked list with head node head, return the middle node of the linked list. 3. The palindrome structure of the linked list. 4. The problem of chain strap ring (*****) 4.1 Whether to wear a ring 4.2 Nodes entering the […]

Custom annotations prevent forms from submitting code repeatedly

/** * Custom annotations to prevent repeated submission of forms * * @author LZJ */ @Inherited @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface RepeatSubmit { /** * Interval time (ms), less than this time is considered a repeated submission */ int interval() default 3000; /** * Interval time unit (milliseconds) */ TimeUnit timeUnit() default TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; /** * […]