Router in Vue.js and the role of Vue Router?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction Front-end Getting Started Tour: Exploring the Wonderful World of Web Development Welcome to the Front-End Getting Started Tour! If you are interested, you can subscribe to this column! This column is tailor-made for those who are interested in web development and […]

Using JWT with React Router

In this article, we will explore the seamless integration of JWT authentication with React and React-router. We’ll also learn how to handle public routes, validation-protected routes, and how to leverage the axios library to make API requests with authentication tokens. Create a React project Using the command below will create a project for us npm […]

Vue routing (router-link) – highlighting, dynamic parameter transfer

1. Declarative navigation-navigation links 1. Requirements Implement navigation highlighting effect If you use the a tag to jump, you need to add styles to the currently jumped navigation, and at the same time remove the style of the previous a tag, which is too troublesome! ! ! 2. Solution vue-router provides a global component router-link […]

The use of React Router routing

1. Download //Applicable to both js and ts npm i –save react-router-dom @types/react-router-dom 2. Use RouterProvider and createBrowserRouter are introduced in react-router-dom. The createBrowserRouter function is an array. The elements of the array are objects, which store routing information. The two most important attributes are path and element. path is a string type attribute that […]

Vue3 + Vite + Ts + Router build project

1. Create a new folder Enter the terminal from the newly created folder cmd 2. Install vite-create vue3 project based on vite 2.1. Run npm init vite@latest 2.2.1. Enter the project name 2.2.2. Select vue 2.2.3. Select TypeScript language 3. Install dependencies 3.1. Enter the folder you just created cd vite-project 3.2. View the image […]

Build a front-end development project from scratch based on Vite4, Typescript, React18, react-router-dom6.4, Redux4, Reduxjs/toolkit, and Ant Design5.9

Build a front-end development project from scratch based on Vite, Typescript, React, react-router-dom, Redux, Reduxjs/toolkit, and Ant Design vite project initialization Native environment node v16.14.2 npm 8.5.0 yarn 1.22.18 vite project initialization yarn create vite Follow the steps to enter the project name, select React for the framework, and use TypeScript for js to create […]

VueRouter4 – Dynamic route refresh goes blank or 404

In the past, the company had been using the Ruoyi framework, so I didn’t have a good grasp of some content, so I took advantage of this time at home to write a management system, which involved dynamic routing and handling of users with different permissions. , display different menu bars and append routes matching […]

Vue Routing Guide: A map for navigating single-page applications (Vue Router and <router-view>)

Front-end development engineer (main job), technical blogger (side job), passed CET6 Ashan and her cat_CSDN personal homepage Senior topic writer at Niuke, creating a high-quality column “Essentials for Front-end Interviews” at Niuke The contracted author of Lanqiao Cloud Class, the front-end and back-end practical courses “Vue.js and Egg.js Develop Enterprise-level Health Management Projects” and “Take […]

Vue Router: Make your application routeable!

Front-end development engineer (main job), technical blogger (side job), passed CET6 Ashan and her cat_CSDN personal homepage Senior topic writer at Niuke, creating a high-quality column “Essentials for Front-end Interviews” at Niuke The contracted author of Lanqiao Cloud Class, the front-end and back-end practical courses “Vue.js and Egg.js Develop Enterprise-level Health Management Projects” and “Take […]