Python generates a pair of RSA keys and saves the public and private keys as .pem files respectively. Use the public key in the generated RSA key pair to encrypt the data, and then use the private key to decrypt. Convert RSA’s public key exponent (E) and modulus (N) to .pem format

You can use the cryptography library to generate a pair of RSA keys and save the public and private keys as .pem files respectively. Here is a sample code: from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa # Generate RSA key pair private_key = rsa.generate_private_key( public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend() ) # Get […]

The saveBatch of mybatis-plus reports an error, but there is no problem with save? Null pointer Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

Null pointer problem in batch operations such as saveBatch in mybatis-plus describe: Error message Solutions solution doubt Reference blog Description: It’s almost time to get off work again, haha. I hope I can help you. I’ll explain it in a scribble. Null pointers will appear in batch operations, but there is no problem in a […]

Android uses poi to generate Excel and word and save them in the specified path

As soon as you add dependencies (be sure to use new versions of dependencies to prevent some bugs) minSdk= 26 //Note that the minimum supported SDK26 dependencies {<!– –> implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi:5.2.4’ implementation ‘org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:5.2.4’ implementation ‘’ } Second, creation method private void createExcelFile(String Path) {<!– –> //Create workbook Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); //Create worksheet Sheet […]

Read, save and filter images based on GDAL

Read, save and filter images based on GDAL Currently supports: image filtering of custom operators, image reading, saving, channel separation and other functions #pragma once #ifdef __GDAL_UTILITY__ #include <gdal/gdal_priv.h> #include <gdal/gdal.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <algorithm> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <array> #include <cassert> #include <memory> #include <cstring> #include <initializer_list> […]

Save server resources and achieve two-way data transmission – in-depth analysis of the WebSocket protocol

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. What is WebSocket? 2. Characteristics full duplex binary frame Protocol name shake hands advantage 2. Application scenarios ?Write at the end ? Column […]

Pure front-end to record screen and save video locally, so simple

Big factory technology advanced front-end Node advanced Click above for Programmer Growth Guide and follow the official account Reply 1, join the advanced Node communication group Author: Moment Link: As a senior picture cutter, we will inevitably need to share some functions of the pages we write with others through videos. There is another […]

Nova virtual machine saves custom image code analysis

Recently, the company’s nova virtual machine failed to save a custom image, so let’s sort out the whole process from the code side Save custom image to virtual machine #nova image-create {<!– –>{INSTANCE_UUID}} {<!– –>{NEW_IMAGE_NAME}} nova/api/openstack/compute/ Request api’s _action_create_image, query instance and bdms here, because enable_snapshot_volume_backed is not turned on, so self.compute_api.snapshot is executed @wsgi.response(202) […]

Use the model to run the data, and the result prompts OSError: SavedModel file does not exist at: on_object_test.h5\{saved_model.pbtxt|save

Please let me know what the problem is. It’s such a headache. The source code is as follows. The source code is as follows: Pascal VOC Dataset Mirror import os importsys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import cv2 import os os.environ[‘TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL’] = ‘2’ # Do not display prompt information below level 2 import tensorflow astf from […]

Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and save public services

Article directory Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and save public services Create public method Push down data by order Push down data by detail row Call pushdown operation Call public method Kingdee Cloud Starry Sky creates automatic push-down and saves public services Create public methods Push down data by order /// <summary> /// […]