How to implement large-scale image management and distribution based on Harbor and Registry

Follow the “Wonderful World of Linux” on the public account Set it as a “star” and let you play Linux every day! 1. Challenges brought by Harbor’s cross-region If you simply store image data, Registry will be a good choice as an image warehouse. Registry not only supports multiple storage backends, but can also configure […]

Calculation process of multi-scale structural similarity L1 loss

Multi-scale structural similarity L1 loss SSIM Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) is an image quality measurement method used to evaluate the similarity between two images. SSIM is widely used for image quality assessment, performance evaluation of compression algorithms, image enhancement and restoration, etc. In application: The human eye perceives similarity between two images mainly based on […]

Large-scale ethics drama—JavaScript inheritance

Inheritance methods and their applications in JavaScript In JavaScript, inheritance is an important concept that allows us to create an object and inherit properties and methods from other objects. There are many ways to implement inheritance, each with its own advantages, disadvantages, and applicable scenarios. Below we will explain in detail how each inheritance method […]

Qwt QwtScaleDraw custom coordinate axis

1. Overview QwtScaleDraw is a class in the Qt drawing library Qwt, used to draw axis ticks and tick labels. It provides methods and properties to set the style, layout, and alignment of tick marks and labels. The following is the class inheritance relationship: 2. Commonly used methods Tag related methods: setLabelRotation(double angle): Set the […]

[3D image segmentation] 3D image segmentation based on Pytorch 7 (data preprocessing: resample data to 1mm unified scale)

In the previous section: [3D Image Segmentation] VNet 3D Image Segmentation 6 (data preprocessing) based on Pytorch, we have obtained the same seriesUID name as the mhd image mask nrrd data file, it can be said that there is a one-to-one correspondence. Moreover, the files of mask are divided into 4 folders according to how […]

Some basic image preprocessing—normalize the scale of all pictures in a file, view the RGB value of each pixel, switch the specified color to white, and switch all pictures in the file from png to jpg

Table of Contents 1. Normalize the scale of all pictures in a file 2. View the RGB value of each pixel of an image 3. Switch the specified color to other colors (switch red to white in the code) 4. Switch all pictures in a file from png to jpg 5. Rename all images in […]

EfficientViT: Multi-scale linear attention for high-resolution dense prediction

Title: EfficientViT: Multi-Scale Linear Attention for High-Resolution Dense Prediction Paper: Chinese version: [Reading Paper] EfficientViT: Enhanced Linear Attention for High-Resolution Low-Computation transforms softmax attention into linear attention_Shaner’s Blog-CSDN Blog Code: Table of Contents 1. Abstract 2. Main contributions 3. Methodology 3.1 Multi-Scale Linear Attention 3.2 EfficientViT architecture 4. Experiment 4.1 Ablation studies 4.2 […]