Three-dimensional transformation matrix practice – rotation, scaling, mirroring, cross-cutting, translation, and orthogonal projection of three-dimensional point clouds

1. Rotation matrix (right-handed coordinate system) Rotate around the x-axis Rotation matrix: The matrix on the right is the original coordinates of the point cloud, and the matrix on the left is the rotation matrix Visualization: Rotate 90 degrees around the x-axis Code: import vtk import numpy as np import math def pointPolydataCreate(pointCloud): points = […]

[Cambrian (1)] Use of DSP libraries: scaling and splicing practice, based on CNVE_LIB (Vision Engine Library), developing IPM splicing of DSP

Article directory MSP resources for Cambrian SD5223C Prepare Basic use DSP development dependencies 1 Look at the file “cn_dsp.h” 2 Look at the file “sample_comm_dsp.h” 3 Develop DSP resize Look at the core file cnve.h file 4 Develop IPM splicing of DSP REMap method for IPM splicing The following is the general usage of the […]

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function

Flutter development practice-picture scaling and cropping box picture cropping function During development, you need to select a picture in the album to crop out a small piece of the picture as the target picture. For example, when uploading an avatar, after the user selects the avatar, the required picture is cut out and uploaded according […]

Rolling release, graceful shutdown, elastic scaling, application monitoring, and configuration separation in Spring Boot + K8S

Foreword K8s + SpringBoot achieves zero-downtime release: health check + rolling update + graceful shutdown + elastic scaling + Prometheus monitoring + configuration separation (mirror reuse) Configuration Health Check Health check type: readiness probe + liveness probe Probe type: exec (enter the container to execute the script), tcpSocket (detection port), httpGet (call interface) Business level […]

[ 02] Implementation of map scaling

Requirement: Enlarge the map proportionally Analysis: Considering that the relative positional relationships of objects such as rivers and roads need to be preserved during map enlargement, here we choose to merge the coordinate matrices of objects such as rivers and roads into terrain_matrix and perform scaling on this merged matrix. . The magnified matrix updates […]

Transformation matrix of points in 2D coordinate system (translation, scaling, rotation, miscut)

This article reprints the article of the same name written by Zhuo Bufan on Zhizhihu. I have run the code described in it and added some comments to make it easier to understand. 1. Translation In 2D space, we often need to translate a point to another position. Assume a point P in space, expressed […]

SVG tag inner path tag adaptive scaling problem

<svg ref=”svgref” style=”width: 17vw; height: 42vh” xmlns=”” viewBox=”0 0 330 400″> // The focus of viewBox is on this attribute <path ref=”svgref1″ :d=”`M ${p12}C ${cp12} ${cp22} ${p22}`” fill=”none” vector-effect=”non-scaling-stroke” /> // vector-effect=”non-scaling-stroke” This attribute needs to be brought here. The line drawn by your path or the arc label will cause adaptive scaling problems. </svg> […]

[Yugong Series] October 2023 .NET CORE tool case-DeveloperSharp (picture cropping, scaling, and watermarking)

About the author, Yu Gong moves the code “Title”: Huawei Cloud Special Editor, Huawei Cloud Cloud Enjoyment Expert, Huawei Developer Expert, Huawei Product Cloud Testing Expert, CSDN Blog Expert, Alibaba Cloud Expert Blogger, Tencent Cloud Excellent Blogger, Nuggets Excellent Blogger, 51CTO Blogging experts and more. “Recent Honors”: CSDN Blog Star TOP2 in 2022, Huawei Cloud […]

SFML2.6 graphics module–position, rotation, scaling: entity transformation

Transform SFML entities All SFML classes (sprites, text, shapes) use the same interface for transformation: sf::Transformable. This base class provides a simple API to move, rotate and scale your entities. It does not provide maximum flexibility, but defines an interface that is easy to understand and use, covering 99% of all use cases – for […]