Python uses the apscheduler module to set up the implementation of scheduled tasks

This article mainly introduces the implementation of Python using the apscheduler module to set scheduled tasks. The article introduces it in detail through sample code and has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it. 1. Installation pip install apscheduler 2. Introduction to ApScheduler 1 Components of APScheduler triggers: triggers Triggers contain the scheduling […]

Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler

Blog homepage: The little sheep has insomnia. Series of columns: “C Language” strong> 《Data Structure》 《Linux》《Cpolar》 Thank you everyone for likingfavorites?comments Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler A few days ago, I discovered a giant artificial intelligence learning website. It is easy to understand and humorous. I couldn’t help […]

Quickly build the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler and access it remotely

Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler Article directory Use Docker to deploy the open source distributed task scheduling system DolphinScheduler Preface 1. Install and deploy DolphinScheduler 1.1 Start the service 2. Log in to the DolphinScheduler interface 3. Install intranet penetration tools 4. Configure Dolphin Scheduler public network address […]

oracle scheduler job scheduled task practice

Oracle scheduler JOB scheduled task Article directory Oracle scheduler JOB scheduled tasks scheduled tasks basic grammar Create job Check job running status JOB stop JOB startup and deletion timed expression Actual combat Create stored procedure Create JOB Step on the trap View database system time zone View session time zone Modify database time zone Modify […]

diffusers-Understanding models and schedulers There are 3 modules: diffusion pipelines, noise schedulers, model. This library is very good, and its design ideas are comparable to those of the mmlab series. The mm series generation algorithm is in mmagic, but it is not as rich as diffusers. Furthermore, almost all new algorithm training and reasoning will use the standard […]

dolphinscheduler3.2.0 install error

Download version 3.2.0 code, execute install and report an error, dolphinscheduler-common cannot load dependencies. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:2.27.2:check (default) on project dolphinscheduler-common: The following files had format violations: [ERROR] pom.xml [ERROR] @@ -15,7 + 15,8 @@ [ERROR] ··~·See·the·License·for·the·specific·language·governing·permissions·and [ERROR] ··~·limitations·under·the·License. [ERROR] ··–> [ERROR] – [ERROR] + [ERROR] ····4.0.0 [ERROR] ···· [ERROR] ·········org.apache.dolphinscheduler [ERROR] […]

Big Data Scheduling Best Practices | Migrating from Airflow to Apache DolphinScheduler

Migration Background Some users originally used Airflow as a scheduling system, but because Airflow can only define workflows through code and does not have granular division of resources and projects, it cannot be applied well in some scenarios that require strong permission control. In order to meet customer needs,so some users need to migrate the […]

Solve org.quartz.SchedulerException: Job threw an unhandled exception.

Article directory 1. Reproducing the error 2. Analysis errors 3. Solve the problem 3.1 Solution 1 3.2 Solution 2 4. Analyze the dynamic proxy of jdk and cglib in spring 4.1 Dynamic proxy comparison 4.2 Differences in principles 4.3 Performance differences 4.4 Respective limitations 4.5 The essential difference between static agents and dynamic agents 1. […]

[K8S device-plugin] Use the vgpu project to analyze the relationship between device-plugin, Scheduler Extender Plugin, and KubeSchedulerConfiguration

Project How k8s-vgpu-scheduler implements vgpu resource allocation apiVersion: v1 Kind: Pod metadata: name: gpu-pod spec: containers: – name: ubuntu-container image:ubuntu:18.04 command: [“bash”, “-c”, “sleep 86400”] resources: limits: 2 # requesting 2 vGPUs 3000 # Each vGPU contains 3000m device memory (Optional, Integer) 30 # Each vGPU uses 30% of the entire […]